

2017-07-07 12:27昝亞娟
試題與研究·高考英語 2017年2期




第一部分 聽力(略)

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分40分)




Cell phones, tablets, and computers are keeping children and teenagers awake at night, even when theyre not in use, according to new research.

A recent study published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics says that media devices are causing kids to sleepless and reducing the quality of sleep that they get. This leads to trouble staying awake the next day.

Researchers analyzed hundreds of studies of children and teens aged 6~19. The scientists found a “strong and consistent association” between the use of technology at bedtime and poor sleeping. The reason is not just that kids are staying up too late with their devices. Using a computer can over-stimulate the mind and emotions, the researchers say.

A smart phone or tablet also gives off a light that affects the bodys natural timing and alertness. These factors contribute to poor quality sleep. And many kids could be at risk. According to the study, 72% of all children and 89% of adolescents have at least one device in their sleep environment. Most of these devices are used near bedtime.

The harmful association between screen-based devices and kids sleep is “a major public health concern,” the study concludes. In their conclusion, the researchers urge teachers, health care professionals, parents, and children to “understand the damaging influence of device use on sleep”.

Many children get less sleep on school nights than they should. According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids ages 6 to 13 should be getting between nine and 11 hours of sleep per night. Getting quality sleep is parti-

cularly important for learning complex subjects like math and foreign languages.

The American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) advises kids to stop looking at screens at least half an hour before bedtime. This helps your brain slow down and get your body ready for sleep. The AAP says bedrooms should be “screen-free zones”.

If you are tempted to pick up an electronic device at bedtime, try these relaxing activities instead:

· Keep a journal: Thoughts and worries can weigh on your mind at night. Writing thoughts on paper can clear the mind.

· Try a mind exercise: Close your eyes and count backward from 100.

· Just relax: Inhale(吸氣)slowly and deeply, and then exhale. Sweet dreams!

21. What is the finding of the new research?

A. Media devices are being overused.

B. Media devices affect kidssleep at night.

C. Kids spend too much time on smart phones.

D. Kids has sleep problems due to too much pressure.

22. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The time when media devices are used.

B. The functions of modern media devices.

C. The reason why kids dont sleep well at night.

D. The percentage of children who own media devices.

23. What are kids advised do to have a good sleep at night?

A. Have a short conversation in English.

B. Take a walk in the garden in the evening. C. Listen to some light music before bedtime.

D. Stop using smart phones half an hour before going to bed.

24. Which of the following activities cannot help a kid to have better sleep?

A. Keeping a diary.

B. Counting sheep.

C. Taking a deep breath.

D. Working on a math problem.


According to a study published last week in the journal Science, scientists have found a way to hack the plants genes to help make it use sunlight more quickly, which could increase the amount of food produced around the world one day.

Plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food. Scientists find plants use less than 1% of the energy available to them. But by hacking a plants genes, scientists are able to increase the amount of leaf growth on plants between 14% and 20%.

Specifically, scientists hacked the plants protective system. Normally, this system is activated(激活)when a plant gets too much sunlight, said scientist Krishna Niyogi. When the plant senses the light, it gets rid of extra energy and creates more leaves. When the plant is in shade, the protective system is turned off.

Stephen Long is the lead author of the study. He compared a plants protective system to light-adjusting glasses. When we wear the glasses outside during the day, the lenses(鏡頭) darken and lighten depending on how sunny it is. Plants do the same thing. But in plants the adjustment can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. This makes it hard for plants to get the right amount of sunlight needed to create food.

The new study speeds up the process. By changing the plants genes, the protective system turned on and off more quickly than normal. As a result, leaf growth in two plants increased by 20%, while leaf growth on a third plant increased by 14%.

“Now that we know it works, it wont be too difficult to do it with other crops,” said Long. “If you look at crops around the world,” he said, “it would increase yield many million tons of food.” It will be at least 15 years before scientists can adjust crops on a large scale, Long says. But he believes the study is a breakthrough.

25. The underlined word “hacking” in Paragraph 2 probably can be replaced by _________.

A. covering B. changing

C. combining D. deleting

26. If plants are exposed to too much sunlight, they are likely to _________.

A. stop producing new leaves

B. fold up their leaves at once

C. stop taking in more sunlight

D. turn on their protective system

27. Paragraph 4 is mainly about _________.

A. how the plants protective system works

B. how sunglasses protect our eyes in the day C. why plants need to have protective system

D. why scientists conduct a research on plants

28. What is Stephen Longs attitude towards the application of the study?

A. Doubtful. B. Uncertain.

C. Pessimistic. D. Optimistic


Whats the one thing every child wants in school? More recess! And that is exactly what some schools are giving students, which it turns out, is beneficial for everyone. Eagle Mountain Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, is one of four public schools carrying out the Liink program, a project that increases recesses per day to encourage creativity, develop character, and promote academic success.

Liink was inspired by Scandinavian approaches to learning based on the simple concept of giving children more outside playtime and less time spent indoors. In Finland, where the system has been in place for decades, students have some of the highest scores on global assessment tests. Instead of spending increasing amounts of time inside the classroom, theyre putting more and more focus on physical activity. Finish kids get to enjoy 15 minutes of playtime for every hour of class.

After spending six weeks in Finland In 2012, Debbie Rhea, the creator of the Liink and professor at Texas Christian University, discovered that the additional(額外的) breaks of “unstructured(松散的) outdoor play” actually helped students improve their performance inside the classroom. “You start putting 15 minutes of playtime into these kids every so often and it gives the platform for them to be able to function at their best level,” she says.

Other studies have shown that outdoor playtime decreases restlessness, tiredness and has a number of benefits such as improved motor skills, physical fitness, and social development. Debbie Rhea started adopting the program in private schools in 2014, and has since expanded her program to districts in Texas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Utah. All the children in these schools are all the happier for it. It just goes to show that the best way to raise happy and successful children is to simply let them be kids every once in awhile.

29. The underlined word “ recess” in Paragraph 1 probably can be replaced by _________.

A. games B. snacks

C. lessons D. breaks

30. It can be inferred that Scandinavian approaches to learning _________.

A. lay great stress on physical labour

B. encourage children to play outdoors

C. allow children to perform well in the test

D. require children to spend more time in the classroom

31. Which of the following statements would Debbie Rhea agree? _________

A. Playtime is beneficial to the students.

B. Kids need playtime to be more creative.

C. The students should have more playtime.

D. Kids need platforms to show their talents.

32. The purpose of the text is to _________.

A. reveal the finding of some studies

B. inform readers of the Liink program

C. introduce what Scandinavian approaches are

D. appeal to readers to pay attention to education


Remember the days when you were a kid? You ran outside to meet your friends, hung around the neighborhood and just play? At that time, you probably werent aware that you were engaging in healthy activity and even burning calories. Now why not go back to a time when moving your body was fun? We know that exercising is good for your health, but it also benefits your brain. Here are four activities that you might remember from years ago, but today can serve as a fun way to get your heart pumping.

1. TAG

The fast and fun schoolyard game is a great group activity, which can be improvised in any open space. To get the most out of the experience, be sure to intersperse short sprints with resting periods. Tag —youre it!


Hula hoops jumped onto the scene in the late 1950s and became an instant hit. The colorful hoops arent just a fun novelty(新奇的事物) at parties; theyre a fantastic way to tone your thighs(大腿), abdominals(腹?。?and arms!


Remember the days when throwing a ball back and forth would keep you occupied for hours? The motion repeated again and again is relaxing and also great for your body, improving coordination(協調) and muscle tone. Grab a friend, any type of ball and let the games begin.


Kickball used to be one of the most popular games during gym time at school or out on the playground. For those unfamiliar, kickball is similar to baseball, but instead of hitting the ball with a bat, players kick a large rubber ball about the size of a basketball. The rules are simple: players need to touch all the bases to earn points. If the ball is caught mid-air or a player is tagged by a baseman, they are out. This game is a great way to bring friends together.

33. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To stress the importance of exercising.

B. To encourage us to care more about health.

C. To recommend some body-building activities.

D. To recall the fun we had during our childhood.

34. Hula hoops is very popular because _________.

A. it allows our body to relax

B. it exercises the lower parts of our body

C. it makes our muscle stronger and stronger

D. it helps different parts of our body to work together

35. If you want to make your friends closer, which game would you choose?







Why Leaving Your Comfort Zone Gives You a Chance to Grow

All of us want to be comfortable on some level. Whether it comes from a cozy apartment, a stable job, or financial freedom, we feel safe in our familiar surroundings. While theres nothing wrong with feeling comfortable, there are also many surprising upsides of being uncomfortable every once in a while. Here are the details.


36 We become faster, and more creative as we work around obstacles. When we realize we dont have a choice but to succeed, we are more determined and stronger.


Whether its a personal or a professional setback, discomfort forces us to move forward. When faced certain challenges or feeling stuck, we have two options: remain stagnant(停滯不前的) or move on. Only when we decide to focus on the latter, do we grow and evolve. 37


When we take ourselves out of that comfortable place, we experience our fair share of highs and lows. This might seem exhausting, but its also beneficial because were better prepared for the challenges that come our way.



All new experiences are a learning opportunity, no matter how awkward they feel at the beginning. We meet new people or pick up new skills that eventually help us become better equipped for overcoming future hurdles. We grow wiser and with that wisdom comes power to make sound decisions that bring us closer to achieving our goals.


The more we expose ourselves to discomfort, the more direction well have. Facing discomfort means we have the opportunity to figure out exactly what we want in life. We can choose any direction we wish based on those situations that may have been uncomfortable at first.




D. We become more aware of what we can do and what we cannot do.

E. Discomfort is uncomfortable, but it accelerates our growing process.

F. From every learning experience we become stronger, more aware, and more confident.

G. Facing the unknown allows us to challenge ourselves and accomplish things we thought were impossible.

第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

第一節 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


This morning I woke up a little bit worried with so many things going on and so many decisions to make. So I decided to go for a 41 and try to relax myself.

When faced with big challenges like this, I always 42 myself, “Dont stop being kind”. Others may have 43 worse battles to fight.

I already felt better when walking in the park enjoying the beautiful scenery with the birds 44 in the trees. I decided to go 45 on my way back.

After paying for my groceries I sat down for a while and got a(n) 46 that the supermarket offers as a promotion(促銷). An elderly man was sitting next to me and started talking to me in a(n) 47 voice. I noticed straight away that he had hearing aids in both ears. He had a coffee too. I tried 48 to him, but I soon realized he could not understand 49 I said. I decided to stay anyway. He told me about his difficulty with hearing, 50 his son who works in the supermarket. I was 51 to know he was at the ripe age of 89. He went on to 52 with me how he had his coffee there and how 53 he was still able to go shopping on his own.

He said he liked talking to people and he

54 many times for “boring” me with his talk. I told him it was 55 talking to him. After a while I said good bye, 56 his hand and wished him a good day. He was so happy and 57 . He thanked me many times before saying “thank you for 58 ”.

That was the whole point. I 59 stayed and listened. He needed it and we all 60 it, just someone to listen. I was very happy and grateful too. My morning had turned into a very special one because of him.

41. A. chat B. swim

C. walk D. jog

42. A. remind B. warn

C. encourage D. persuade

43. A. hardly B. even

C. almost D. ever

44.A. sitting B. flying

C. jumping D. singing

45.A. skating B. hunting

C. shopping D. climbing

46.A. coffee B. ice cream

C. hamburger D. cake

47.A. quiet B. loud

C. frightened D. pleasant

48.A. appealing B. applying

C. explaining D. responding

49.A. something B. nothing

C. anything D. everything

50.A. and B. but

C. so D. as

51.A. delighted B. surprised

C. eager D. anxious

52.A. compare B. charge

C. agree D. share

53.A. happy B. worried

C. excited D. calm

54.A. regretted B. whispered

C. apologized D. cried

55.A. common B. lovely

C. necessary D. instructive

56.A. dropped B. held

C. rubbed D. shook

57.A. grateful B. touched

C. ashamed D. impressed

58.A. staying B. helping

C. listening D. understanding

59.A. never B. just

C. always D. rarely

60.A. ignore B. expect

C. love D. need


第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)


閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。 并將答案填寫在答題卡相應的位置上。

Last year, I was assigned to work at an office near my mothers house, so I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her with the housework and groceries.

After less than a week, I started noticing that the groceries were running out pretty quickly — we were always 61 (sudden) out of something. 62 (wonder) how my mum could consume them so quickly, I began observing her daily routine for two weeks. To my surprise, I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine. Eventually, I decided to follow her and 63 happened truly amazed me. She was taking the food to the refugee camp, 64 she distributed it to children.

I asked around and found that my mum was very well 65 (know) in the area. The kids were very friendly with her and even looked up to her as if she were their own mother. Then it hit me —why would she not want to tell me about what she 66 (do)? Was she worried about how I would react or that I would stop buying the groceries if I found out?

When she got home, I told her about my 67 ( discover). 68 she could react, I gave her a big hug and told her she didnt need to keep it a secret from me. She told me that some of the children lived with an old lady in a shelter while 69 (other) slept on the streets. For years, my mum had been helping out by giving them whatever food she could spare. I

70 (impress) by how selfless she was.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分35分)

第一節 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)






1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

A survey shows take a gap year to travel, volunteer or work between high school and college is now catching on among American students because it is a good way to learn much about themselves.

The advantages of students taking a gap year are obviously. First, it offers break for the students to find out where their true interest lies and what they want to study in the university, allow them to make wise decision when choosing careers. Second, they can explore new things what they had never tried before. In addition to, they can put their talents into good use and serve our society.

In summary, it is beneficial for students to take a gap year, and they should be encouraged to do so.

第二節 書面表達(滿分25分)






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