

2017-07-07 13:21趙葉
試題與研究·高考英語 2017年2期




第一部分 聽力(略)

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分40分)




Join the Power of Nutrition

Recruiting: Directors and Associate Directors for fundraising positions in the Partnerships & Brands team.

Location: London.

In Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, nearly 4 in 10 children are growing up shorter and slower than normal children as a result of undernutrition. The Power of Nutrition is an independent charitable foundation(No.1160373) chaired by Lord Browne of Madingley and formed by the Childrens Investment Fund Foundation, UBS Optimus Foundation, the UKs Department for International Development, UNICEF and the World Bank. It is working to unlock $1 billion of new financing globally by 2020 to help children grow to their full potential through improved nutrition.

We are seeking highly driven individuals to join our Partnerships & Brands unit—a specialist, dynamic team responsible for fundraising for nutrition programmes that deliver results at scale in our hotspot countries. Incoming team members will be responsible for expanding and developing a set of prospects and partnerships by delivering a private sector-focused fundraising strategy covering institutional, family office and the HNWI market.

Our team combines a powerful mix of experience and expertise drawn from a range of backgrounds including business, finance, development and government. Qualified candidates will possess strategic, passionate and results-oriented skills and qualities and be driven to form new public and private sector partnerships. They will bring a proven ability to deliver results in an exciting, fast-paced and inter-

national environment.

Additional details and guidelines for applying:www.powerofnutrition.org/careers.

Closing date:15th January 2017.

Multiply money. Maximize childrens lives. Thats the Power of Nutrition.

21.Why 40% children in Africa and Asia grow up smaller for their age?

A. Because of less exercise.

B. Because of power of nutrition.

C. Because of international environment.

D. Because of lack of nutrition.

22.What is the purpose of founding the Power of Nutrition?

A. Collecting $1 billion of new financing all over the world.

B. Raising enough money for the children to find an ideal career.

C. Offering some children chances to live longer and more healthily.

D. Forming charities to teach children how to dig up their full potential.

23.What will a specialist probably do once joining the Partnerships & Brands unit?

A. Fundraise for nutrition programmes.

B. Manage and develop new charities.

C. Deliver results in hotspot countries.

D. Carry out the fundraising strategies.

24.Which of the following can be regarded as a qualified candidate?

A. He manages only his business and finance well.

B. He has both powerful experience and expertise.

C. He appreciates strategic and passionate qualities.

D. He creates an exciting and fast-paced environment.


Dane has started the next act in his life.

A fall from a four-storey building in 2010 left him severely injured and unable to walk, let alone continue to act. That cost him his job and he ended up living in his truck. He began using drugs to manage his pain and for a while it became a way of life.

But the former University of Victoria theatre student desperately wanted to flip the script. “I had an epiphany(頓悟),” he recalled. “What am I doing being involved in this lifestyle?” he asked himself.

The first step was getting shelter, which he found through the Lookout Emergency Aid Society. “They gave me an opportunity to start again. Living at the Lookout has given me self-esteem,” he said. “Its given me a new perspective.”

With a roof over his head, Dane also found an opportunity to revisit one of his real passions: acting.

Dane was a veteran of Back Alley Theatre whod also attended Vancouvers William Davis Centre for Actors Study and has been in over 15 movies as an extra, including several episodes of X-Files. He first performed on stage in about 2000.

His stage comeback began when the manager of his building encouraged him to join a local community theatre group made up of actors.

From Oct. 28 to 30, the group is performing For A Muse of Fire, presented by Creativa International, as part of the 2016 Heart of the City Festival.

Getting back on stage has helped Dane continue his transformation.

“Its given me inspiration to try to take my foot and place it in the normal path of productive human experience again rather than live with the pain and the hurt, its given me a chance to open up and heal. I feel great.”

25. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “flip the script” in Paragraph 3?

A. Come back to stage.

B. Change the situation.

C. Write down his story.

D. Bring an end to his pain.

26. What do we know about the Lookout Emergency Aid Society?

A. It is an organization offering shelters for those in need.

B. It is a society offering advice when emergency occurs.

C. It is a community offering medical care for the disabled.

D. It is a company providing an opportunity to start business.

27.How many years had Dane been acting before he became disabled?

A. 10 years or so.

B. At least 12 years.

C. More than 14 years.

D.17 years or more.

28. What is Danes epiphany according to the passage?

A. Making back to stage makes him happier.

B.Living with pains and hurt makes him stronger.

C. Being involved in the same lifestyle is comfortable.

D. Trying to live a productive life after disasters is important.


I was nine when I arrived at the Childrens Home in Nashua, New Hampshire, in 1965. I failed third grade that year, barely made it through a second time, and had merely passed through fourth grade by the time I reached Pauline Jambards fifth-grade class at Charlotte Avenue Elementary School.

I was convinced I wasnt “smart” like the other kids, and I hoped I could make it through fifth grade. Ms. Jambard took an instant liking to me. Of all the subjects in school, reading was my favorite. She would tell me, “Terry, you keep reading. If you can understand what youre reading, youll be smarter than most kids.” After I read all the books in our program, I started reading the classrooms set of Encyclopaedia Britannica. I couldnt find enough to read, and I started to really like school.

That December, the Childrens Home threw a Christmas party for family and community members. My brother and I had no family to invite. I still remember looking up and seeing Ms. Jambard walk through the front doors of the Childrens Home and realizing she was there on behalf of my parent. That was the best Christmas of my life.

We have stayed in touch, and I call Pauline at least once a year. Because of the confidence she instilled in me, I went on to have a successful career in engineering and law enforcement. I dont know if Pauline realizes how much she helped me, but Ill never forget her kindness and faith in me. I treat her as my family member.

29.Which of the following can best describe the writers former schooling?

A. He was slow at his studies.

B. He passed all exams easily.

C. He studies in third grade twice.

D.He failed in the fourth grade.

30. How did Pauline Jambard help the writer improve studies?

A. Work hard at every subject.

B. Do more reading constantly.

C. Take good care of the writer.

D. Be more confident in himself.

31. What can be the best title of this passage?

A. How a Slower Student Got Success.

B. How I Got Kindness and Faith in me.

C. Pauline Jambard Became My Family member.

D. My Experience at the Childrens Home.


“If they hated me they didnt talk to me about it,” says a young German manager at a media firm in Frankfurt. Still, he says it was noticeable that when an employee 20 years older than him thanked him for buying lunch he had to swallow twice before adding the word “boss”.

Older workers sometimes envy being managed by a younger colleague. Precocious youngsters, too, can feel awkward about bossing their elders around. But in Germany a shortage of skilled workers means that such situations are becoming ever more common.

The countrys population is projected to shrink. As more Germans retire, fewer youngsters are entering the work-force to replace them. As a share of the working population the number of 15-to-24-year-olds has fallen by ten percent-age points since the 1980s, says the German Federal Employment Agency. Firms competing to hire young talent have to promote them earlier as a result. A paper by professors at the University of Cambridge and WHU, a German businessschool, to be published in the Journal of Organizational Behaviour, suggests this could be a problem.

As in many countries, German work-places are legally obliged to overlook age when deciding whom to promote. Yet according to Jochen Menges, one of the authors, when an ordinary worker leap-frogs a more experienced one it can leave the latter with feelings of “anger, fear and disgust”. People tend to judge their own standing by the success of their peers, and to see failure in being bossed about by someone younger. The relationship between feelings of anxiety and the age of the boss is clear, according to Mr Menges. A manager who is younger by one year is somewhat unsettling; a gap of 20 years is far more discouraging.

German firms certainly should not return to a system in which age equals to rank. But young people need to be sensitive about managing upwards. And older workers should be encouraged to see the bright side of learning new skills. Daimler, a big German carfirm, says it promotes age-mixed teams, so that knowledge can be transferred between generations. It also supports young managers by asking retired employees to provide temporary support.

32.What is the function of a young German managers remark in Paragraph 1?

A. To introduce the topic.

B. To state a kind of fact.

C. To attract readers interest.

D. To describe his own idea.

33.Why are some precocious youngsters bossing their elders around in Germany?

A. Precocious youngsters are all skilled workers.

B. Such situations are becoming more common.

C. Fewer youngsters would like to do hard work.

D. Companies compete fiercely to hire young talent.

34. Which of the following people might regard himself as a failure?

A. When he has to decide whom to promote.

B. When he leap-frogs a more experienced worker.

C. When he is being bossed about by someone younger.

D. When he experiences feelings of anger, fear and disgust.

35. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Qualified workers should be promoted to boss.

B. Older workers should support younger managers.

C. Older workers are no better than younger colleagues.

D. You are never too old to learn, or too young to manage.



Choosing Good Gifts

Many of us know that familiar feeling of eagerly tearing open a carefully wrapped gift box, only to find a gift you dont like. 36 The answer is very different, depending on whether you ask the gift giver or receiver.

A study published this month in Current Directions in Psychological Science highlights the disconnect between the gifts we actually want and the ones we want to give. 37

Psychologists have long known that we often struggle to predict other peoples preferences, and according to study co-author Elanor Williams, a marketing professor at Indiana University Bloomington, our egocentricity(自我,自私) may be to blame.

As gift givers, we tend to focus on the gift exchange itself, eagerly expecting the warm feeling we get when we see the other persons face light up with joy on opening our present. 38

Is it useful? Is it wanted? Can it be re-gifted?

39 It can help us get along well with others and strengthen social bonds. There is also a more practical reason to up our gift-giving game. In every holiday season, we spend billions of dollars on presents.

Williams says the best strategy may be to simply ask people what they want. “Theres a misunderstanding that the best-received gifts are the ones that are unexpected, but thats just not true. 40 If were doing that,” he says, “We might as well get it right.”

A. But what makes a good gift?

B. But why should we send nice gifts to others?

C. By contrast, gift receivers focus more on the gift itself.

D. As Williams points out, gift giving plays an important social role.

E. It offers some ideas that may come in handy this holiday shopping season.

F. To be honest, anyone has an experience of being given a gift that is not welcome.

G. The best-received gifts are the ones that best match what the receiver actually desires.

第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

第一節 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


A Deadly Frozen Night

I am a worker named Yankel, who had a coal mine in a faraway mountain. I once met a horrible accident. Do you know why Im 41


I was a teenager at the time. Every day we went under the mine to dig and carry 42 out. One day we were about to pull out 43 the rocks at the entrance collapsed. Most of the workers were badly injured. We were trapped under the ground for several days and had no 44

out. Night came and it was deathly cold, 45

any food or water. There were also no blankets to keep us warm 46 it was flooding everywhere.

Beside me, there was a beloved elderly 47

from my hometown. He was trembling from head to toe, and looked 48 . So I wrapped my arms around him to 49 him up. I hugged him tightly to give him some heat. I 50 his arms, his legs, his face, and his neck, 51 him to try to be alive. I encouraged him. All night long, I kept this man warm this way.

I was 52 , and freezing cold myself. My fingers were numb, but I didnt 53 rubbing heat into that old mans body. Hours and hours

54 . Finally, rescue came and we were saved. I 55 to see the other people. To my 56 , all I could see were some frozen bodies. All people died. Only two people 57 : the old man and me.

May I tell you the secret to survival in this world? When you warm other peoples hearts, you will 58 warm yourself. When you support, encourage and 59 others, then you will discover support, encouragement and inspiration in your own life 60 . Thats the secret to a happy life.

41. A. confident B. old

C. alive D. successful

42. A. rock B. coal

C. stone D. wood

43. A. then B. as

C. when D. while

44. A. idea B. problem

C. help D. way

45. A. without B. despite

C. offering D. sharing

46. A. if B. although

C. in case D. so that

47. A. man B. woman

C. boy D. girl

48. A. disappointed B. embarrassed

C. hopeful D. terrible

49. A. save B. put

C. warm D. cheer

50. A. rubbed B. kissed

C. beat D. patted

51. A. believing B. promising

C. warning D. begging

52. A. bored B. tired

C. annoyed D. relieved

53. A. help B. stand

C. wait D. stop

54. A. went by B. died down

C. passed away D. stayed up

55. A. fought back B. hanged around

C. looked around D. held on

56. A. sorrow B. horror

C. surprise D. disappointment

57. A. rescued B. survived

C. informed D. delivered

58. A. also B. still

C. even D. again

59. A. help B. comfort

C. love D. inspire

60. A. for sure B. on purpose

C. in return D. by chance


第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)


閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。 并將答案填寫在答題卡相應的位置上。

One sunny day, after I cleaned the room, I decided to buy something needed in the nearby store.

61 I got to the Trader Joes, there were people waiting in line. In front of me 62 (be) a young woman. When it was her turn to pay for what she bought, she had her card declined. She 63 (embarrass) handed the cashier another card, which was also declined and then a final card that was approved for just $5.47. 64

(face) with this situation, she had no choice but 65 (ask) the cashier to cancel it. The cashier signed for the manager. 66 the sight of the situation, I smiled and offered to pay the balance, which was $20 altogether. The woman smiled and nodded to me, expressing her sincere 67 (thank) again and again. The cashier was happy too.

On my way out, the manager handed me

68 bunch of mixed flowers. He didnt say anything, just 69 (hold) the flowers out to me.

I could see he was moved with emotion. I accepted the flowers with thanks and walked out, feeling that, for just a few moments, nothing was 70 (good) than helping those in need.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分35分)

第一節 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)






1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

Today we experienced enjoyable period of English class as usually. As soon as the bell rang, our teacher began to divide us from several groups to do the picture-story writing. After we knew how to do next, we set out to held a discussion immediately. Some students shared their ideas about the main points when others added the detailed informations. Then we finished it quickly. Compared to the compositions in the other groups, our stood out. This week, whenever I passed by the Learning Garden on the back wall of our classroom, and our composition caught my eyes, remind me of the excellent teamwork of our group.

第二節 書面表達(滿分25分)






1. 詞數100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。


