

2017-07-07 08:21黎楚明
試題與研究·高考英語 2017年2期




第一部分 聽力(略)

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分40分)




You may probably recognize most of the powerful graduation speakers, who are well-known people in their fields, but I think the schools couldnt have picked better speakers than them, because the most important inspiration anyone can ever get is someone who lives his living by example.

◎Steve Jobs, Stanford University:

“Remembering youre going to die, the best way I know is to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice...”

◎Oprah Winfrey, Stanford University:

“I consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school… And the secret Ive learned to get ahead is being open to the lessons from the grandest universe of all. Dont react against a bad situation. And the solution will arise from the challenge. Because surrendering yourself doesnt mean giving up, it means acting with responsibility.”

◎Bono, University of Pennsylvania:

“For four years youve been buying, trading, and selling everything youve got in this marketplace of ideas. Your pockets are full, even if your parents are empty, and — and now youve got to figure out what to spend it on. …The world is more flexible than you think and its waiting for you to hammer it into shape… ”

◎Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin:

“Now its time for you to move on to whats next and obtain your desire. But you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. Dont spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity but you miss the right opportunity. Recognize that there will be failures and obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.”

21. Who wants to express “Dont live your life in regret.”?

A. Michael Dell.

B. Bono.

C. Steve Jobs.

D. Oprah Winfrey.

22. Which of the following can best describe what Oprah Winfrey says?

A. To break some of the rules.

B. To overcome the fear of loss.

C. To go all out to achieve our goals.

D. To be brave and keep trying to the end.

23. What Michael Dell said is to urge people to __________.

A. listen to our heart

B. pursue our dreams

C. create our own journey

D. learn from our mistakes

24. What can we be likely to gain from these powerful graduation speeches?

A. Some life lessons.

B. Some personal experiences.

C. Some social skills.

D. Some creative ideas.


Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful, theres a natural impulse to want to capture and preserve it — which means, in this day and age, that were likely to reach for our phones to take a picture.

Though this would seem to be an ideal solution, there are two big problems associated with taking pictures. Firstly, were likely to be so busy taking the pictures, we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest prompted us to take a photograph in the first place. And secondly, because we feel the pictures are safely stored on our phones, we never get around to looking at them, so sure are we that well get around to it one day.

In fact these problems were noticed right at the beginning of the history of photography, when the average camera was the size of a grandfather clock. The first person to notice them was the English art critic, John Ruskin. He was a keen traveller who realised that most tourists make a dismal(乏味的) job of noticing or remembering the beautiful things they see. He argued that humans have an innate tendency to respond to beauty and wish to have it, but that there are better and worse expressions of this strong wish. At worst, we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs. But, in Ruskins eyes, theres one thing we should do and that is attempt to draw the interesting things we see, regardless of whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.

Ruskin was very distressed by how seldom people notice details. He deplored the blindness and haste of modern tourists, especially those who prided themselves on covering Europe just in a week by train. “If he be truly a man, no harm to go slow; for his glory is not at all in going, but in being.”

25. Whats our reaction to something that we like?

A. Stopping to say something for cheering.

B. Behaving well to impress others deeply.

C. Having a strong desire to possess them. D. Reflecting on what we have experienced.

26. When taking pictures, people may ___________.

A. ignore appreciating something attractive on the spot

B. feel it hard to learn the skills of taking good photos

C. find a good way to store good memories in our minds

D. have chances to meet the challenge of new technology

27. According to Ruskin, how should travellers best express their desire for something?

A. To speak it out frankly.

B. To consult others timely.

C. To purchase it generously

D. To paint a picture directly

28. What are most modern tourists proud of ?

A.The long distance that they have covered.

B. The happy hours that they have gone through.

C. The advanced transport tool that they have taken.

D. The great convenience that they have been offered.


In todays society, almost half of all marriages in America end in divorce, which means many children have divorced parents, I am by no means a rare case. There are plenty of other people understand the difficulty of separated parents and living in two households. Despite this, people who havent personally experienced divorce really have no idea what its like.

Despite many arguments can conflicts, my parents have handled divorce and joint custody(監護) well, at least better than expected. Occasionally the curtain my parents put up to block my brother and I from the reality and I will get a glimpse of the not-so-bright-and-sunny reality, the fact that my parents simply dont like each other, let along get along. They try to make sure my brother and I dont overhear the argument and do their best to keep my brother and I out of their issues.

Last Mothers Day I woke up at my Dads house with a text message from my Mom saying, “Call me when u can.”I rolled out of bed and dialed her number. On the other end of the phone I could hear my Moms trembling voice. “Your dad isnt letting me have you until 7 tonight.” I knew Mothers Day is important to her and I. I began to get angry with my Dad, but I told myself that getting mad and fueling my moms anger towards my Dad wouldnt help. Later my father told me that he had plans to spend time with my Grandma and step-mom for Mothers Day, which I understood and accepted but I also understood why my Mom wouldnt accept it.

While having divorced parents is difficult, I have learned a lot about how to deal with conflict from an early age and Ive been blessed with an extremely large family, which is an amazing network of support.

29. The author uses the first paragraph to show us that _________.

A. living as a child of divorced parents is normal but not easy

B. the number of divorced parents is increasing rapidly at present

C. people are not aware of what problems divorced parents are facing

D. the experience of being a child of divorced parents is painful but worth

30. We can infer that the authors divorced parents try to ________.

A. build up a good relationship with their children

B. prevent their children getting involved in their affairs

C. inspire their children to be confident about their future

D. prove that they are concerned about their childrens safety

31. The passage implies that the author is ___________.

A. naughty and stubborn

B. reliable and responsible

C. energetic and creative

D. polite and considerate


A study in the Journal of Consumer Research gets at why most people are so reluctant to leave home and do fun things on their own. In a series of experiments, the University of Marylands Rebecca Ratner and Georgetowns Rebecca Hamilton showed that when it comes to going to the movies or to dinner, individuals consistently think they wont enjoy themselves as much if they arent going with any of their friends. “People decide to not do things all the time just because theyre alone,” Ratner told The Washington Post. “But the thing is, they would probably be happier going out and doing something all by themselves.”

The researchers found people didnt think theyd enjoy themselves is that they were afraid other people would think they didnt have any friends. They thought theyd be seen as unusual, antisocial, and strange for going somewhere without friends, but said they wouldnt attach these labels as strongly to someone they witnessed, say, sitting alone at a movie theater.

Ratner and Hamilton also ran some experiments to see how they might be able to nudge people to go out by themselves. They realized that there wasnt the same mental block against going to the grocery store alone, and theorized that this was because shopping represented getting something done. Sure enough, people who consider going to a coffee shop on their own thought it sounded more enjoyable when they were told they had reading material and could be productive than when they were going simply to enjoy a drink. Getting people to think of an experience as an accomplishment might make them more likely to do it without a friends company. In the absence of fellow diners, many of the customers at Eenmaal, the blog Food Republic reported, ended up staring at their phones anyway. These days, when a phone is never farther than an arms length away, “alone”just doesnt mean when it used to.

32. According to Ratner, what is the surprising finding of their research?

A. Whether going out with friends or by oneself is a hard decision.

B. People would rather stay at home than do something amusing out.

C. There may be some unexpected pleasure when doing things alone.

D. People should learn some social skills and enjoy staying with others.

33. From the passage, we can infer that _________.

A. most people care much about others opinions

B. most people have emotional or mental problems

C. most people are too busy to complete their tasks

D. most people are greatly affected by their friends

34. What does the underlined word “nudge” in the last paragraph mean?

A. To persuade people to take a particular action.

B. To warn people to be aware of the possible danger.

C. To remind people to pay attention to the final result.

D. To encourage people to overcome various difficulties.

35. According to the passage, most people think highly of_______.

A. sense of security

B. sense of belongings

C. sense of responsibility

D. sense of achievement



It is necessary for us to improve our problem-solving abilities. If you dont properly understand the problem, your solutions may be ineffective or fail entirely. 36 For example, is there one problem or actually several? Can you restate the problem in your own words? By spending time with the problem you will better understand it and be equipped to generate solutions.

37 Collect data, ask people or experts connected to the problem, look for resources online, in print, or elsewhere. Once you have data, organize it. Try to do this by rewording or summarize it. Perhaps you could even map it out in a chart. You may not need to bother with this step for simple problems, but it will be essential for those of a more complex one.

The first step in finding a solution is to look at data that you have gathered about the problem and to analyze its importance. 38 Start with the raw data. Sometimes, information will need to be broken into smaller, more manageable parts or to be ranked for its importance.

39 You might do this on a limited, trial scale at first to test the results. Or, you might go all in. Keep in mind that unforeseen problems which you did not plan can arise at this stage.

Keep in mind that problem-solving works in a cycle. It will generate a number of different potential solutions that each should not be ignored. 40 If not, then you must look for an alternative solution and start the process over again. So adjust if necessary.

A. If you fix the problem, you have found a suitable solution.

B. Once you have chosen the best solution, put it into practice.

C. You should focus on the problem and your problem-solving process.

D. To gather as many facts as you can about the problem to get a clear picture of it.

E. A hobby is another way that you can continue to improve your problem solving skills.

F. To define the problem clearly, you will have to ask questions and look at different angles.

G. When analyzing, you will look for links and relationships for better understanding the overall situation.

第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

第一節 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


There once lived a man who built a house overlooking a village. And the man was 41 , showing sympathy for people who were 42 , so he always helped his 43 whenever he could.

As was his 44 , he would stand at a large window each morning and look down on the 45 , count his blessings, and say a prayer for his friends. Each day he would do 46 one good deed, and would return to his home 47 and satisfyingly.

Several years later, the man 48 quite a large sum of money. He thanked God for this good fortune and 49 to help others with his money. He did, 50 , make one concession(特許) for himself. He decided to decorate the edges of his 51 window with pure silver.

As the days went by, the man continued to give his money to his neighbors. He began every morning by standing at the window giving thanks for his blessings. But he also 52 how much more beautiful the window might be if it had a(n) 53 silver around the edges.

Days went by, then weeks, then months. As time passed, the fellow gave 54 of his time and money to those 55 and spent more of his wealth on decorating the window. 56 the entire glass was covered with shining silver.

In the end, there is no 57 for the fellow to see his neighbors from the window. He could only see his own reflection(映像). Despite our best intentions, 58 can change us. Community breaks down when money can 59 so many of our basic needs. There is a(n) 60 for more windows in the world, not more mirrors.

41. A. serious B. powerful

C. honest D. generous

42. A. escaping B. suffering

C. surviving D. observing

43. A. neighbors B. friends

C. visitors D. guests

44. A. need B. choice

C. habit D. dream

45. A. house B. playground

C. ground D. village

46. A after all B. at least

C. above all D. at first

47. A. joyfully B. surprisingly

C. worriedly D. fearfully

48. A. begged B. spent

C. gained D.wasted

49. A. refused B. agreed

C. promised D. determined

50. A.therefore B. however

C. otherwise D. besides

51. A. favorite B. broken

C. open D.dirty

52. A. remembered B. considered

C. wondered D. discovered

53. A.expensive B. colourful

C.simple D. extra

54. A.full B. less

C. enough D. more

55. A. in need B. in advance

C. in fact D. in debt

56. A. Unfortunately B. Cheerfully

C. Eventually D. Gladly

57. A.discussion B.purpose

C.decision D. possibility

58. A.attitude B. wealth

C.opinion D. knowledge

59. A. satisfy B. challenge

C.find D. replace

60. A. idea B. problem

C. need D. reason


第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)


閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。 并將答案填寫在答題卡相應的位置上。

Many years ago, a young man in Ghana saw the people in his village were very poor, he wanted very 61 (bad) to bring about change and help to them. So at 16 years of age, he was 62 (determine) to leave home to find some solutions. Seven years 63 (late) he returned. As he was walking down the road to the village, his people were very excited because they knew that since he had been gone a long time, he must have something wonderful 64

(share) with them that would help them overcome their 65 (poor) and difficulties.

They ran out to meet him and shouted, “What did you bring?” He silently put his hand in his pocket 66 pulled out three small seeds. Everyone was surprised, because they expected so much more.

“What are they?” they asked.

“They are cocoa seeds” he replied.

He planted the seeds and soon the three trees multiplied(繁殖) to many. Now in Ghana cocoa is 67 major source of income for many people. 68 usually takes a long time to achieve great things in life, just like the cocoa plants 69 (take) a long time to multiply to thousands of trees. Keep it in mind 70 you dont give up and keep growing the seeds within you.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分35分)

第一節 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)






1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

When we were in senior one, Tom, my roommate, who mother once went downtown and wanted to pay visit to him. Feeling shame of her being a farmer, Tom refused to see him, saying that he was too busy to meet her on the phone. But in the contrary, another roommate, Mike felt proud and was eager to meet his father who always drive a luxury car to school.

In my opinion, apart from good communicate with our parents, we should also learn to appreciate or accept them no matter how they look like and how much different they are. Only in this way can we live happy.

第二節 書面表達(滿分25分)



2. 文化旅游節的具體活動(吃、玩等);







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