

2017-12-25 13:12ByNealeMcDevitt
新東方英語·中學版 2017年12期


A mother driving with her five-year-old daughter in the backseat takes a wrong turn and ends up in a dark back alley, forever altering the young girl's life. It sounds like the sad beginning of dramatic film1) but quite the opposite is true—this is a real-life story.

The little girl was Hannah Taylor, now a 19-year-old Arts undergraduate2) finishing her first year at McGill3). Taylor remembers that fateful day like it was yesterday. "It was December in Winnipeg so it was freezing cold and snow covered. I looked out my window and I saw a man searching through a garbage dumpster for food," she says. "I asked my mother why he was doing that and she said he had to do that to eat."

"I had never seen homelessness and I was struck by it," she says. "My five-year-old heart just wouldn't let it go."

And when Taylor says she wouldn't let it go, she means it. She questioned her parents almost daily for a year. Why did people have to live in the street? Where did they sleep? Wasn't there enough food and homes for everyone? Why didn't anyone help?

"I worried about this man and, as I learned more about homelessness in Winnipeg and in Canada, I began to worry about everyone living in those conditions."






1. dramatic film: 劇情片

2. undergraduate [??nd??ɡr?d?u?t] n. 大學本科生

3. McGill: 麥吉爾大學,簡稱麥吉爾,位于蒙特利爾,是加拿大最古老的高等學府,建校近兩百年以來一直在國際上享有盛譽,被譽為“加拿大哈佛”。

4. set the wheels in motion: 使某事開始運轉、實施

5. tuck (sb.) in: 把……的被子掖好

6. close to one's heart: 為某人所重視關心;為某人所愛

7. ladybug [?le?dib?ɡ] n. 瓢蟲

8. good luck charm: 能帶來好運的小飾品。charm [t?ɑ?m] n. 隨身護符;(手鏈或手鐲上的)吉祥小飾物

Set the wheels in motion4)

One night, Taylor—who had just turned six—asked her mother another question about homelessness as she was being tucked in5) for the night. "My mom said to me, 'You know, Hannah, maybe if you do something about it, your heart won't feel so bad.'"

And that set the wheels in motion, wheels that, 13 years later, show no signs of stopping.

Taylor did a presentation about homelessness to her Grade One class and organized a campaign to collect food, coffee and clothing for a local shelter. To her delight, her classmates matched her enthusiasm. "I saw that people wanted to help—they just don't know how to start," says Taylor. "In the case of my Grade One class, when they were given the opportunity to help, everyone immediately came up with their own great ideas."

But for Taylor, this was not a one-and-done project. Encouraged by the success of her first move, she kept at it, raising both money for and awareness for a cause that was so close to her heart6). Over the following years, she met with business leaders and politicians, flew around the country for speaking engagements and collected money in jars decorated with ladybugs7)—her good luck charms8).

Jars of money become a Foundation

In 2004, Taylor had raised enough money to launch The Ladybug Foundation, a non-profit charitable foundation that supports other charities across Canada in providing food, shelter and support for the homeless. She was eight. Today, Taylor is the CEO of the Lady Bug Foundation, which to date, has raised over $4 million for dozens of frontlinesoup kitchens9), emergency shelters, food banks10) and youth shelters.

Also in 2004, Taylor founded her second registered charity—The Ladybug Foundation Education Program, a kindergarten to grade 12 classroom resource designed to teach kids how to make a change in their own community, country and throughout the world. "When I speak at schools, I see kids have that light bulb moment11) where they say 'Hey if she can do it, so can I'. We don't give kids enough credit, but they do care and they are driven to help change things. They just need the tools."

And Taylor knows that, in order to make a change, the best tool one can have is knowledge. "Education—formal and experiential—is the key," she says. "That's why so much of the work we do with the Ladybug Foundation is to raise awareness. Before people can do, they need to know." Which made McGill the logical place for Taylor to pursue her studies.

Since starting at McGill last September, Taylor has had to reduce her Ladybug Foundation activities somewhat in order to concentrate on her studies—although she has still managed to do a few speaking engagements via Skype12). Having declared her major in International Development, States and Governance, her plan is to get a Law degree. Not surprisingly, she wants to work in human rights.

Find your passion

In talking with Taylor about her life's work, one can see that this is something she needs to do. "Everyone has to find something that they are passionate about, whether it is being a fantastic father, or working for the environment or loving your job as a lawyer," says Taylor. "My passion is helping people, especially homeless people. It's just something my heart made me do and it's like breathing—it doesn't stop. Some people spend their lives trying to find that passion but I got lucky and I found it when I was five."

That passion is never more obvious than when Taylor discusses the people she has met in her coast-to-coast travels.

She talks about watching Brian, a homeless man at a Winnipeg shelter, give his new vest—that he had just received for Christmas—to another man who was extremely upset. "He said 'You need this more than me,'" says Taylor. "Despite how hard life has been on him, he was so generous and kind. How can you not be inspired by that?"

Then there was the time Taylor took a tour of a Toronto children's shelter and ended up hanging out with the kids for much of the day. "I was getting ready to leave and this one tiny girl who had been there the whole time but hadn't said anything stepped out from behind the crowd and gave me a hug. She said 'Before today I thought nobody loved me. Now I know you do'."

And then there is Rick. "Rick is a former residential school13) student who was homeless for about 25 years. He now has a place to stay and is retired from a job, so he's doing well," she says. "He is so wise and special and kind and loving. When things get especially tough or busy, I call him and we talk and it reminds me how much work like this matters. I'm lucky to have such an amazing friend."

Hannah Taylor says it doesn't take much to help a homeless person. "Give them some change, buy them a coffee, just say 'Hello. How are you?' Even the smallest gestures acknowledge that they are people like us."


















9. soup kitchen: (救濟窮人的)施粥所,施食處

10. food bank: (向窮人或無家可歸者提供食品的)食物銀行,主要為經濟有困難人士提供暫時的膳食支援,鼓勵他們自力更生。一批熱心于慈善事業的志愿者自發組織起來,把超市中那些即將過期但又賣不出去的食品收集起來,免費發放給那些忍饑挨餓的街頭窮人。此外,連鎖快餐店、酒店及食品供應商也會捐贈熟食、干糧及餐券等。

11. light bulb moment: 靈感的突然閃現;靈光一現

12. Skype: 一款即時通訊軟件,具備通話、文字聊天、視頻聊天、傳輸文件、多人語音會議等功能。

13. residential school: 寄宿制學校
