

2017-12-25 06:54散步的魚
新東方英語·中學版 2017年12期


2017年的美國影片《蜘蛛俠:英雄歸來》(Spider-Man: Homecoming)記錄了一個超級英雄的修煉之路,同時也是一個少年的成長記。

影片中, 蜘蛛俠已是家喻戶曉的全民英雄,但其真身——15歲的高中生Peter Parker卻不為人所知。在英雄內戰之后,鋼鐵俠Tony Stark有意栽培Peter,并讓他以實習生的身份進入公司訓練。Peter夢想著有一天成為復仇者聯盟(The Avengers)的一員,盼望能像他們一樣拯救世界。但Tony認為他還需要時間歷練,并不想急著招募他。








Peter Parker雖然成為蜘蛛俠的候選人,但鋼鐵俠Tony Stark卻遲遲未委以重任。Peter急于證明自己,只能自己去尋找援助對象,做些街坊里的瑣碎雜事。每天放學后他就變身蜘蛛俠,穿梭于大街小巷。這看似又是尋常的一天,忙完后,Peter主動給自己的監管人Happy Hogan打電話報告情況。

Record: You have reached the voicemail box, Sir. Happy Hogan.

Peter: Hey, Happy. Here's my report for tonight. I stopped a grand theft bicycle. Couldn't find the owner, so I just left a note. Um ... I helped this lost, old Dominican lady. She was really nice and bought me a churro ... I'm just um ... feel like1 I could be doing more. You know just curious when the next real mission's gonna be. Just call me back. It's Peter ... Parker.endprint


Peter: Tough guys, forget your pin number? [看清楚面具后] Wow, you are the Avengers. What are you guys doing here? Thor. Hulk. Good to finally meet you guys. I thought you'd be more handsome in person2. Iron man! What are you doing? Robbing a bank? You're already a billionaire. [被武器攻擊后] Oh, this feels so weird. What is that thing?! I'm starting ... to think ... you're not ... The Avengers.

Tips for Learning


Feel like可以表示“摸上去像”,例如:It feels like real leather. (那摸上去像真皮一樣。)但它還有一個更重要的意思,是“想要”,例如:I feel like a walk right now. (這會兒我想去散步。)其后連接動詞則需用動名詞形式:I feel like walking around. (我想到處走走。)Feel like是非??谡Z化的表達,除了傳達自己的愿望之外,也可以用于詢問對方是否需要某物,例如:Do you feel like a rest? (你想休息嗎?)又如:Do you feel like a cup of coffee? (你想來杯咖啡嗎?)


In person在臺詞中是“本人”的含義,例如:In person she's really cute. (她本人非??蓯?。)它還有另外一個含義是“親自”,例如:I can't attend the meeting in person, but I'll send someone to speak for me. (我不能親自出席會議,但是我將派人替我發言。)為了更好地區別這兩個詞義,這里舉一個特別的例子:I finally see him in person. 這句話意為:我終于見到他本人了。因為see一定是當事人自己看到的,別人沒法替“我”去看,所以in person修飾前面緊跟的賓語him,指他本人。但是I will visit him in person則意為:我會親自拜訪他。





Tony: I told you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit, so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do.

Peter: Is everyone okay?

Tony: No thanks to1 you.

Peter: No thanks to me? Those weapons were out there, and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen. None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me. If you even cared, you'd actually be here.

Tony: I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid.

Peter: I'm 15.

Tony: No. This is where you zip it2. All right? The adult is talking. What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience.

Peter: Yes, sir. I'm sorry.

Tony: Sorry doesn't cut it3.

Peter: I understand. I just wanted to be like you.

Tony: And I wanted you to be better. OK. It's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back.endprint

Peter: For how long?

Tony: Forever.

Peter: No. No. No. Please. Please. Please. You don't understand.

Tony: Let's have it.

Peter: This is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit.

Tony: If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it, okay?

Tips for Learning


Thanks to 是“多虧了……,由于……”的意思,前面加了no,表示“不是由于,不是因為……”,在臺詞中帶有諷刺意味。例如:Though the economy is picking up, it is no thanks to the new mayor. (雖然經濟回暖,但這可不是新市長的功勞。)


Zip it的意思是“以一種粗魯、氣憤的語氣叫人住嘴”。Zip作名詞可意為“拉鏈”,作為動詞表示“拉上拉鏈”。這十分形象,把嘴巴想成一個大口子,拉上拉鏈,就是讓你閉緊嘴巴,別再說啦。例如:Zip it, I'm talking?。ㄗ∽?,我講話呢?。┡_詞中的The adult is talking,the adult就是指Tony自己,他以成年人自居,對未成年人Peter可謂是十足的盛氣凌人。


Cut it表示“很好地完成工作,辦成事,勝任工作”,通常用在否定句里。Not cut it常與merely (僅僅)搭配,表示“僅有……是不能解決問題的,僅有……是行不通的”,例如:Nowadays the tests are turning harder. Merely finishing your homework doesn't cut it. (現在考試越來越難,僅僅完成家庭作業是行不通的。)固定搭配can't cut it,意為“干不了;不符合條件;不如人意”,例如:If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job. (要是他干不了這活兒,那我們就另請高明。)



Vulture: Does she know?

Peter: Know what?

Vulture: So she doesn't. Good. Close to the vest1. I admire that. I've got a few secrets of my own. Of all the reasons, I didn't want my daughter to date. Peter, nothing is more important than family. You saved my daughter's life. I could never forget something like that. So I'm gonna give you one chance. Are you ready? You walk through those doors, you forget any of this happened and don't you ever2, ever interfere with my business again. 'Cause if you do, I'll kill you and everybody you love. I'll kill you dead3. That's what I'll do to protect my family, Peter. Understand? Hey, I've just saved your life. Now what do you say?

Peter: Thank you.

Vulture: You're welcome. Now, you go on in there. You show my daughter a good time, okay? Just not too good.

Tips for Learning


Keep sth. close to the vest意為“保守秘密”,臺詞前面省略了 so you keep it。Vest是“背心”的意思,幾個男人穿著背心打牌,老手總是把牌緊緊壓在胸前,貼著背心,因為只有保守牌的秘密才能贏。所以keep ... close to the vest就表示“保守秘密,小心謹慎”的含義,例如:He keeps his cards close to the vest, so it's hard to tell what he's thinking. (他為人小心謹慎,很難猜透他的心思。)


Don't you ever是“千萬不要再,請別再”的意思,例如:Don't you ever shoplift again! (千萬不要再在商店偷東西了?。┰偃纾篧hat did you say? Don't you ever say anything like that again! (你說什么?你以后別再說這種話了?。┊斔磉_“請別再”含義時,句末通常用感嘆號。Don't you ever也可以引導問句,意思是“難道你從來不”,例如:Don't you ever get tired? (難道你從來不累嗎?)endprint


Kill you dead意思和kill you相近,dead作副詞,意為“完全地,全然地”,意思是“我要讓你死得透透的”。類似的用法如cut sb. dead,表示“假裝完全不認識某人”,例如:He cut me dead at the meeting.(他在會上完全無視我。)Dead作副詞還可意為“猝然地,突然(停止)地”,stop dead表示“突然停下”,例如:We stopped dead in the middle of the road. (我們突然停在路中間了。)






Tony: Sorry I took your suit. I mean you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect sort of tough-love moment that you needed, right? To urge you on1, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think?

Peter: I guess ...

Tony: Let's just say it was.

Peter: Mr. Stark, I really ...

Tony: You screwed the pooch hard, big time2. But then you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies. All right, not my best analogy (比喻). I was wrong about you. I think, with a little more mentoring you could be a real asset to the team.

Peter: To the ... To the team?

Tony: Yeah. Anyway, there's about 50 reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers. When you're ready, why don't you try that on? And I'll introduce the world to the newest official member of The Avengers, Spider-Man.

Peter: I ... Thank you, Mr. Stark. But I'm ... I'm good.

Tony: You're good? How are you good?

Peter: Well, I mean, I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?

Tony: You're turning me down?

Tips for Learning


Urge sb. on的意思是“鼓勵,激勵;為(某人)加油”,例如:Let your mind and heart urge you on; allow the power of your will to head you to your destination . (讓你的頭腦和行動敦促你前進,讓意志的力量引領你走向目的地。)


Big time在這里是副詞,表示“極其,非?!?,例如:He helped me big time. I owe him a lot. (他幫了我大忙,我欠他很多。)The big time 則意為“出名,成功”,例如:She finally hit the big time with her latest novel. (她因新出版的小說而最終一舉成名。)


Chapter 15 Avenger 第15章 復仇者