
Shaun White: From Open Heart Surgery to Olympic Hero 肖恩·懷特:從心臟手術臺到奧運領獎臺

2021-01-12 05:47修文喬
英語世界 2021年13期


When you are born with congenital heart failure the odds are stacked against you. No one would expect you to be a superstar athlete, and any thoughts of being an Olympic winner are dismal. Yet, snow boarder Shaun White has proven that he can be that and more.

[2] White was born with a congenital heart defect called tetralogy of fallot, in which the heart has four abnormalities. Within his first year of life White had undergone two open heart surgeries. It was a mere five years later that he stepped foot on a snow board and found his calling. From ages 6 to 12 White racked up snow and skate boarding trophies all over California, eventually going pro at the age of 13. Not only is White the first two-time Olympic gold medalist in his sport he was also the first person to compete in the 2003 Summer and Winter X games.

[3] It seems that for Shaun, his heart condition as a child hasn’t stood in the way of something he was destined to do. In actuality it’s just a tiny part of what makes him the success he is today.

[4] After wining his second gold White was interviewed by Oprah and said of his accomplishments:

“It brings me back to all the kinds of strange times, because when my parents first got introduced to snow boarding and I started snow boarding there were no Olympics, no X games, no money or anything in the sport, they just basically knew I had a talent and went for it.” White goes on to say: “I had some heart conditions when I was born so going from that struggle to now letting me go out there and do all these things…you put a dream in front of somebody and it just seems so close and I said I can do this and I just took every step towards it.”





“這讓我回想起過去的點滴時光,因為當我的父母開始接觸單板滑雪,我開始參加這項運動時,單板滑雪還沒有成為奧運項目,沒有設立極限賽,也沒有經濟回報或其他任何好處,他們只是認為我有天賦,鼓勵我參加?!睉烟乩^續說:“我患有先天心臟疾病,一路與病魔抗爭,現在終于能夠遠離疾病,全身心投入運動……你把夢想放在一個人面前,夢想離他那么近,我說我可以,于是一步一個腳印地實現了?!? □


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