

2021-04-19 22:14趙陸滟許俊強許彬胡安平張應華
南方農業學報 2021年1期

趙陸滟 許俊強 許彬 胡安平 張應華


關鍵詞: 黃瓜;種質資源;農藝性狀;遺傳多樣性;篩選

中圖分類號: S642.2? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文獻標志碼: A 文章編號:2095-1191(2021)01-0145-10

Abstract:【Objective】To analyze the genetic diversity of 236 cucumber germplasm resources and select elite accessions and to provide suitable parent materials for new varieties and reference for exploiting elite genes and utilizing, protecting the germplasm resource. 【Method】A total of 236 cucumber germplasm resources from Yunnan, other provinces of China and other countries were used in this experiment,12 traits including 2 qualitative traits and 10 quantitative traits were analyzed. The genetic diversity and comprehensive evaluation were carried out by using genetic variation analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis, and elite germplasm resources were selected. 【Result】 The variation coefficient of female flower node rate was the maximum(145.46%) and leaf shape index variation coefficient was the minimum (4.68%),the variation coefficient of quantitative traits was higher than that of qualitative traits.The average genetic diversity index was 1.633,the genetic diversity index of cotyledon width was the highest(2.092) and leaf color genetic diversity index was the lowest(0.389). Correlation analysis showed the female flower node rate was significantly positively correlated to leaf color(P<0.05, the same below),while it was extremely significantly positively correlated with cotyledon length,cotyledon width,fruiting habits,leaf length and leaf shape index(P<0.01, the same below), it was extremely significantly negatively correlated with the first female flower node, male flower node rate, internode length and main stem length. The first female flower node was extremely significantly positively correlated with male flower node rate and fruiting habits, but it was significantly negatively correlated with leaf color index, and extremely significantly negatively correlated with female flower node rate and cotyledon width.? Principal component analysis of agronomic traits showed that cumulative contribution rate of the first five principal components was 80.823%, including the first principal component female flower node rate,the second principal component leaf length,the third principal component the first female flower node,the fourth principal component cotyledon length and the fifth principal component leaf color. The 236 cucumber accessions were classified into eight groups. Group Ⅵ and Ⅶ could be used as male parent in hybrid breeding since they had strong growth vigor and high male flower rate. Group Ⅷ could be used as female parent since they had high female flower rate and high seed setting rate. 【Conclusion】The 236 cucumber germplasm resources have high genetic diversity,genetic variation of major agronomic traits is abundant. In cucumber breeding,cucumber yield can be increased through selection of leaf size,leaf color, the first female flower node, fruiting habit,female flower node rate. Early maturity and high yield of cucumber depend not only on the appearance of the first female flower node,but also the male flower rate and the fruiting habits.

Key words: Cucumis sativus;germplasm resources;agronomic traits;genetic diversity; selection

Foundation item:Science and Technology Support Project of Yunnan(2019IC009); High-tech Industry Development Special Project of Yunnan(201805); Science and Technology Plan Project of Kunming(2019-H-24615)

0 引言

【研究意義】黃瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)別名胡瓜、青瓜和王瓜,屬葫蘆科黃瓜屬一年生攀緣性草本植物,其染色體為2n=2x=14,是世界各地廣泛種植的重要蔬菜。我國黃瓜種植面積已超過133萬ha,是世界上黃瓜生產面積最大、總產量最高的國家,幾乎任何一個地方都有種植(吳雪霞等,2010;Dou et al.,2015;Panyanitikoon et al.,2018)。我國是栽培黃瓜的起源地和主要演化地之一,由于遺傳基礎逐漸狹窄,造成黃瓜育種難以取得突破性的進展,種質資源的匱乏也極大地限制了重要性狀遺傳機制研究及優異基因的挖掘。云南是黃瓜的次生起源中心,也是黃瓜生產大省,境內種質資源豐富。然而長期以來忽視了黃瓜的育種工作,生產用種大多是從外地購進,不僅使本地資源無法得到有效利用,還增加了生產成本,更重要的是造成特定優良基因的丟失。長期種質資源貧乏或研究不夠深入,會造成新途徑和新技術無法有效利用(李加旺等,2010)。因此,分析黃瓜遺傳多樣性不僅有利于黃瓜種質資源的合理保存、優異黃瓜種質資源的挖掘與創新,還對黃瓜生產和育種具有重要指導意義?!厩叭搜芯窟M展】目前,已有大量關于黃瓜種質資源收集、鑒定評價及遺傳多樣性的研究報道。沈鏑等(2010)對我國西雙版納的30份黃瓜種質資源的13個數量性狀和5個質量性狀進行鑒定評價,結果顯示,其具有一定的遺傳多樣性。程嘉琪(2011)將來自國內外的307份黃瓜核心種質資源的31個形態性狀進行鑒定評價,結果發現其具有較豐富的遺傳多樣性。于凱等(2013)對我國膠東地區的白皮黃瓜種質資源進行搜集,共收集到白皮黃瓜種質14份。張占軍和解粉紅(2014)對我國隴東地區收集到的16份白皮黃瓜種質資源進行主要農藝性狀考測及聚類分析,結果顯示隴東地區栽培的白皮黃瓜主要農藝性狀存在明顯變異。曹齊衛等(2014)對我國新育成的138個不同生態型設施黃瓜品種的19個果實外觀性狀進行遺傳多樣性分析,結果表明華南型黃瓜品種果實數量性狀的變異系數均高于華北型和歐洲溫室型品種。曹守軍等(2016)對我國煙臺地區收集到的58份黃瓜種質資源進行植物學特征特性鑒定及聚類分析,結果發現煙臺地方黃瓜種質資源遺傳多樣性豐富。史建磊等(2016)對69份華南型黃瓜種質的24個農藝性狀進行遺傳多樣性分析,結果顯示華南型黃瓜種質具有豐富的遺傳多樣性,適用于黃瓜優異資源的挖掘及品種選育。郭元元等(2018)對廣西10個地方品種進行鑒定評價及遺傳多樣性分析,結果發現廣西黃瓜地方品種具有豐富的遺傳多樣性,在瓜棱、瓜裂紋、種瓜斑紋和瓜刺色等性狀方面具有較大的應用潛力,可為黃瓜育種提供優異的親本材料。綜上所述,前人研究多集中于我國部分地區地方種質,對區域適應性極強的本土品種及國外種質調查和報道較少?!颈狙芯壳腥朦c】近年來,鮮見有關我國及歐洲國家黃瓜地方種質資源鑒定評價及遺傳多樣性分析的研究報道?!緮M解決的關鍵問題】以收集的125份云南地方種質、6份云南省外黃瓜種質和105份歐洲地區黃瓜種質為試材,通過溫室內小區地塊種植對其28個相關農藝性狀進行觀測,并進行植株形態性狀和果實性狀的遺傳變異、相關性、主成分和聚類分析及營養品質綜合評價,篩選出綜合性狀優良的種質,為黃瓜新品種選育提供優良親本材料。

1 材料與方法

1. 1 試驗材料


1. 2 試驗地點及設計

參試種質資源于2019年4月播種于云南農業大學云南省滇臺特色農業產業化工程研究中心蔬菜溫室大棚內,每份材料播種2行,每行10株,株行距25 cm×30 cm,播種前提前進行催芽,并選擇萌發的種子進行雙粒點播。栽培管理均按黃瓜常規生產種植管理進行。

1. 3 農藝性狀指標測定及標準


1. 4 數據標準化處理和分析


1. 5 統計分析

試驗數據采用Excel 2010進行統計整理,計算農藝性狀的平均值、標準差、變異系數和品質得分,利用SPSS 17.0計算遺傳多樣性指數(Shannon-Weaver多樣性指數,H')(李錫香,2002),計算公式為:H'=-ΣPilnPi,其中Pi為性狀第i級別內材料份數占總份數的百分比。并采用SPSS 17.0進行相關性及主成分分析。利用DPS 2008進行聚類分析,聚類分析采用歐氏距離和離差平方和法進行,為消除性狀單位不統一對數據分析的影響,故數據轉化方式選擇標準化轉換。

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(責任編輯 陳 燕)
