

2022-11-22 10:35西藏
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年6期

西藏 益 西

題材:旅行 體裁:記敘文 文章詞數:360 建議用時:6分鐘

For the then26?year?old father Dou Haobei,who ran a clothes shop in South China's Guangdong Province,carrying his four?year?old daughter Doudou to Tibet on a bicycle has long been his dream.It took them 71 days to travel over 4,139 kilometers from their home in the city of Dongguan to Lhasa before they eventually returned home.

Dou is a sports lover and has rich outing experience.At the age of 20,he rode a bi?cycle to Tibet.Just like what a song has described,every man who has been to Tibet has al?ways expected to return someday.So he decided to go.He also took his daughter with him to Tibet again,as he believed that nature and the company of parents are the best teachers for children.

Before departure,he bought a bike trailer to put his daughter in,packed enough clothes for four seasons,drafted a detailed route with accommodation plans and prepared necessary medicine as well as snacks and toys for Doudou in case she felt bored on the way.

The trip was not always easy.Sometimes when they were late to arrive at the lodging site,Doudou would get impatient and whine(哭哭啼啼).Once as they traveled along a steep road in the mountainous area of Yunnan,it started raining.Everything was wet,and Dou had to drag the heavy vehicle while watching for falling stones.They covered a long way to the village,only to find the inn they found on the Internet was not open.Luckily,a local Tibetan villager took them in.

However,their journey drew much criticism.Some people,including their relatives,worried that the young father was unable to take care of the child on the way.Others said it was improper to take a four?year?old girl to Tibet,a high?altitude region that may make the child sick.

Dou shrugged off the comments as he believed the trip would be beneficial to his daughter's growth.He wanted to take her to explore and find out what the world is like.He hoped that with the hardships he has been through,he could educate his daughter in a more open way.

Reading Check

1.How did Dou Haobei and his daughter travel to Tibet?

A.By renting a taxi. B.By taking a plane.

C.By walking on foot. D.By riding a bicycle.

2.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.Doudou's family background. B.The reasons for Dou's returning to Tibet.

C.The incomparable charm of Tibet. D.Dou Haobei's personal information.

3.Which word best describes Dou Haobei according to paragraph 3?

A.Generous. B.Enthusiastic.

C.Thoughtful. D.Open?minded.

4.Which phrase has the closest meaning to the underlined phrase in the last paragraph?

A.Turn a deaf ear to. B.Make a noise about.

C.Keep an eye on. D.Set foot in.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

For the then 26?year?old father Dou Haobei,who ran a clothes shop in South China's Guangdong Province,carrying his four?year?old daughter Doudou to Tibet on a bicycle has long been his dream.對于時值26 歲的鈄皓倍,一位在中國南部的廣東省經營服裝店的奶爸來說,帶著4歲的女兒兜兜騎行去西藏,是他一直以來的夢想。

【點石成金】本句中,who引導非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞the then 26?year?old father Dou Haobei;carrying...on a bicycle為動名詞作主語,謂語動詞應使用第三人稱單數形式。

談談英語教學中 第三人稱單數及其后面動詞的用法