
PEP《英語》四(上)Unit 5 Dinner’s ready ALet’s talk

2023-03-09 03:40周淑敏
小學教學設計(英語) 2023年12期

文 |周淑敏


Step 1. Warming-up


T: Class begins. Good morning,everyone. Are you ready for the class?

Ss: Yes, ready!

2.Let’s sing

T: Today we are going to learn “Unit 5 Dinner’s ready A Let’s talk”. First, let’s enjoy a song together.

3.Free talk

T: Wow! We see so much food in the song! What are they? Let’s say together.

T: My mouth is watering when I see the food. I’d like some... Mm, yummy yummy. Boys and girls, what about you? What would you like?

S1-3: I’d like some...(and...)

T: OK. Here you are. 教師將食物貼紙給學生。

And pay attention, “I’d like...”is the short form for“I would like...”

教師將答句“I’d like some...”板貼在黑板上。

設計意圖:本課教學內容是PEP《英語》四(上)Unit 5 Dinner’s ready A Let’s talk。學生在三年級已經學了一些表示食物的名詞以及用“I’d like some...”來表達自己想吃什么。教師利用與主題相契合的歌曲進行熱身,并引導學生看圖談論自己想吃的食物,不僅鞏固了舊知,也讓學生初步感知本課重點句型“What would you like? I’d like some...”。

Step 2. Presentation and practice

1.Leading in

T: Now, look at this picture.(引導學生看圖中的月亮)It’s in the evening.

Look, who are they?

Ss: Mike, Mum and Dad.

T: Yes, where are they?

Ss: In the kitchen.

T: Yes. And they are talking. What are they talking about?Let’s listen and choose.

Ss: Dinner.

T: Great! They are talking about the food for dinner.

And look, what do we usually have for dinner? A or B?

Ss: Yes, so “dinner”means“晚餐(正餐)”. In the evening,we have dinner.

設計意圖:讓學生在情境中理解新詞dinner 的含義,并整體感知對話的主要內容。

2.Text learning

(1)Scene 1: What would Mike like for dinner?

Activity 1: Listen and fill

T: So they are talking about the dinner. And Mike wanna know “What’s for dinner?”And mom asks...?


Ss: What would you like?


Activity 2: Watch and tick

T: So, what would Mike like? Let’s watch and tick.


Ss: He’d like some soup and bread.


Activity 3: Read, check and act

①T: Now, let’s read and check.

學生讀出關鍵詞,教師在課件上圈出soup and bread。

②T: Great!Let’s listen and imitate.


③T: Now, I’ll be Mike.And you’ll be Mom, OK?


最后引導學生思考,媽媽會怎么樣回應,說出“OK./ Please wait.”。

T: So Mom cooks and cooks.(播放開門音效)Oh, listen!Who’s coming?

Ss: Dad.

設計意圖:本課對話語篇的三個場景屬于不同的話輪,因此在整體感知對話大意后,教師分場景呈現教學。在場景一中,首先,教師引導學生猜測媽媽在Mike 詢問晚餐吃什么后,可能會問Mike 什么問題,培養學生的問題意識,使學生認識到“What would you like?”的語義及語用情景,即征求用餐意見。接著,通過視頻、圖文讓學生獲取關鍵信息。最后,通過聽音模仿和角色扮演,讓學生在情境中鞏固新知,促進語言的鞏固和內化。另外,教師選擇表演起來更有發揮空間的角色Mike,加入了細節表演(如Mike剛剛回到家放下書包,走向廚房),為學生最后的role play 作示范,也增添了表演的趣味性。

(2)Scene 2: What would Dad like for dinner?

Activity 1: Look and say

T: Dad is back from work.What will mum say?

學生先嘗試說,播放音頻驗證學生的猜測,呈現句子“What would you like for dinner?”,教師拿出板貼帶讀,之后貼在黑板上。

Activity 2: Watch and circle

T: What would Dad like for dinner? Let’s watch and circle.

Ss: Dad would like some fish and vegetables.

教師引導學生看圖理解vegetables 的意思,并按音節帶讀。

Activity 3: Read, check and act

先出示文本,學生說出關鍵詞,教師在課件上圈出fish and vegetables;接著逐句跟讀錄音;最后分角色表演,教師扮演爸爸,學生演媽媽,同樣引導學生說出“OK./Please wait.”。

(3)Scene 3: Dinner’s ready

Activity 1: Look and say

T: So Mom cooks and cooks again. 教師邊做動作邊將四種食物的詞卡貼于黑板,引導學生說出“Now, the bread is ready. The soup is ready.”。

T: So dinner’s ready!

What will Mike and Dad say?

Ss: Thank you.

T: Yes, they can also say“Thanks”!

設計意圖:通過板書總結,引出場景三中的“Dinner’s ready!”和“Thanks!”,讓學生在情境中習得語言。

Activity 2: Look, think and say

T: So, look! What’s for dinner today?(指著課件)

Ss: Bread, fish, vegetables,soup, and...

T: Oh, what’s this?

Ss: Bone.

T: Yes. And it’s for the...?Puppy!

And we know, Mike would like some... Dad would like some... Oh, how about mom?Let’s be Mike and ask together.

Ss: Mom, mom, what would you like?

T: Who can be mom and guess?

Ss: I’d like some...

T: Wow! Good guesses.


若學生的回答是當日晚餐中有的:Mom would like some...,too. Wonderful!They can enjoy the dinner together.

若學生的回答是當日晚餐中沒有的:Ah oh, but no... for mom today. Maybe she can cook tomorrow.

T: So you see, mom cooks what Mike and dad would like,whatagreatmom! And remember, we should care about each other.

設計意圖:通過情境的補白,補充了小狗這一特殊家庭成員的用餐情境,使對話更豐富、生動;通過續編對話,猜測媽媽想要吃什么,使學生不僅深度感知了文本,也在潛移默化中體會了媽媽對家人的關懷和關愛,進而過渡到“We should care about each other.”,升華了主題。

Activity 3: Read and act

分角色表演,教師用道具扮演Mom,三大組學生分別飾演Mike、Dad 和Little puppy。

設計意圖:教師在表演時,充分利用道具,演出細節,營造真實的氛圍,同時運用拓展補充的語言:The bread is ready. The... is ready... Dinner is ready! 并引導學生在表演時加入上一環節生成的補白,為后續的role play 環節做了很好的示范,尤其為評價標準中的imagination 做了鋪墊,給學有余力的學生提供了更多的學思空間。

3.Enjoy and imitate the story



4.Role play

T: Now, let’s act.



Step 3. Consolidate and practice

1.Leading in

T: Boys and girls. You really did a good job. Here is a video for you. What’s the video about?

Ss: Picnic.

T: Yes. Do you like picnic?Here is the good news from our head teacher.

T: Wow!We will go on a picnic this Friday! But before that, we need to do a survey and make a food list.

設計意圖:教師通過自制的picnic 短視頻,在輕松愉悅的氛圍中引出遷移創新活動——為學校周五的野餐活動制定菜單,通過調查和匯報完成班級的食物清單。


T: Look, this is the menu.We need to interview first.


T: So, work in 4, ask and answer, and finish your food list.Clear?

You have 1.5 minutes.Ready? Go!


3.Make a report

Group leaders: We’d like...



