
Libraries: More than books圖書館:超越圖書的存在

2024-03-13 03:53晏江梅
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2024年1期


主題語境:豐富自我 篇幅:340詞 建議用時:7分鐘

1 My two kids and I go to the library every week. I love getting a huge bag of books andfeeling the excitement to see where they take us. It's a strong memory that I have frommy own childhood and I cherish the idea of repeating it with my kids. However, themore time I spend at the library with my family, the more I realize that its benefits gobeyond just a bag of new books to read. The resources libraries provide and the valuesthey advocate are making my kids into better humans.

2 Just as importantly, libraries are institutions devoted to sharing information and ideas.Libraries were participating in a sharing economy long before Netflix or Airbnb.Sharing copies of books, DVDs and other media has a major environmental advantageover purchasing new copies. What's more, libraries make a commitment to sharing,which is so beneficial and can be carried over into the rest of our lives.

3 For my kids, learning about how our library books are just on loan to us and belong toeveryone in the community is the first lesson on how to take care of things so that theycan last and be used by many people. The idea of treating things as important long?lasting objects instead of disposable (一次性的) ones is easy to accept when it is con?nected to the library books that they love checking out. It is also a great way to talkabout sharing resources and how we have to think beyond ourselves.

4 During our last visit to the library, my kids picked out their usual big stacks of books.The subjects ranged from how cocoa beans are made into chocolate to a duck that haslost his socks. Every time they pick out books in the library, whether they are informa?tive or very silly, they're learning about how the world works, and strengthening theirimaginations. And by encouraging them to do that now, Im hopefully starting a lifelonghabit for my kids.



1. What do we know about the author?

A. She used to do the reading in groups.

B. She contributes annually to a bookstore.

C. She enjoyed going to the library as a child.

D. She regards new books as the highlight of the library.

2. Why does the author mention Netflix and Airbnb in paragraph 2?

A. To introduce the long history of libraries.

B. To stress the sharing economy is welcomed by people.

C. To show libraries represent a sharing economy for long.

D. To compare the differences between libraries and Netflix and Airbnb.

3. Realizing library books are public property helps children learn to.

A. deal with disposable things properly

B. make the best of the community

C. have a strong sense of belonging

D. value good things and pass them down

4. Which of the following may the author agree with?

A. Reading helps develop a habit of writing.

B. Wide reading can fire childrens imagination.

C. Children are advised to choose books wisely.

D. Children are less interested in informative books.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

However, the more time I spend at the library with my family, the more I realize thatits benefits go beyond just a bag of new books to read. 然而,我與家人在圖書館度過的時間越多,我就越意識到它的好處不僅僅限于一袋可讀的新書。

【點石成金】本句用的是“the+比較級..., the+比較級...”結構,意為“越……就越……”

Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks

a huge bag of books 一大袋書

a sharing economy 共享經濟

a major environmental advantage 一個主要的環境優勢

treat...as... 將……視為……

check out 借閱

share resources 共享資源

strengthen one's imaginations 增強某人的想象力

start a lifelong habit 培養終身習慣

Britain's“Shark House”
鍥而不舍 點石成金
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Is $2 million enough to feel wealthy 有多少錢才算富
Comparative Adjectives (形容詞比較級)
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