

2009-06-12 09:46
中學課程輔導·高考版 2009年4期

唐 春


1. It is __________ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending on trying to make people ___________ after they are ill. (2008江蘇卷30)

A. good … goodB. well … better C. better … better D. better … good


解析:考點是:形容詞比較等級。本句為復合句,it是形式主語,真正的主語是動詞不定式短語to spend … 。rather than是固定短語,意為“與其……倒不如……;而不是”。其句意為:與其把錢花在生病后讓人康復上倒不如將錢花在通過提升健康的生活來預防疾病來得好。rather than是本題的解題關鍵;表示身體好一般用well,而不是good,所以排除法也是常見的解題技巧之一。如果說第一空rather than是比較級的特征的話,第二空就需要考生根據句意來分析得出結論了。

失分診斷:沒有正確分析句子的結構,沒有弄清楚兩者之間的比較關系。本題的比較關系有兩個,第一是spend money on preventing illnesses和on trying to…的兩個方面,第二個是make people better after they are ill,生病后花錢看病讓人身體比沒看病時好一些。

2. In my view, Londons not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is ________ in traffic. (2008上海卷)

A. the most organizedB. more organizedC. so organized as D. as organized as


解析:此題考查形容詞比較級的用法。根據句意知“在我看來,倫敦的……從價格上看不如東京的貴,但是,從交通看,東京比倫敦更有序”。本句后面實際上是省略了than Tokyo,所以二者進行比較,只能選擇答案B。在表示否定的同級比較時,常用本句前面出現“not so / as …as”結構,意為“前者不如后者”。

失分診斷:沒有正確理解題意,找到抓點,本題顯然是兩者之間的比較。拎出Londons not as expensive in price as Tokyo = Tokyos is more expensive in price than London,即否定的同級比較等于比較級。

3. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______. (2008浙江卷)

A. as muchB. as manyC. so muchD. so many


解析:本題考查的是倍數表達法。表示“A是B的多少倍”可以用“A+謂語動詞+倍數+as+形容詞原級+(as + B)”的結構來表示,如果上文已經提到A是與B相比較,也就是說上文已經提到了與A相比較的對象,那么兩者在比較時可以將第二個as和比較對象B省略掉。例如:This room is a little larger than that one, but it is four times as expensive。本句的意思是:我更喜歡這件上衣而不喜歡那件,但這件上衣的價錢幾乎是那件的三倍。另外,表示“A是B的多少倍”還可以用以下兩種結構來表示1)A+謂語動詞+倍數+形容詞的比較級+ than +B。2)A+謂語動詞+倍數+名詞+of +B。

失分診斷:第一沒有熟悉倍數的常見表達法,根據選項可知本題考查的是“倍數+ as + 原形 (+as …);第二是as和so的區別,在肯定句中同級比較中只能用as…as..;第三many和much的使用對象,本題是兩件衣服所花的錢進行比較,因而暗含的money是不可數名詞用much。


①雙方比較,表示一方超過另一方時,用“比較級+than”的結構表示。如:This pen is better than that one.

②表示一方不及另一方時,用“less+原級+than”的結構表示。如:This room is less beautiful than that one.

③表示一方超過另一方的程度或數量時,可在比較級前加表示程度的狀語,如:much, even, a bit, a lot, still, rather, by far等修飾。例如:He works even harder than before.

但比較級前如無even, still,或yet 等時,譯成漢語時可用“較”或“……一些”或不譯出,一般不可用“更”。

注意:by far 通常用于強調最高級。用于比較級時,一般放在比較級的后面, 如放在前面,應在二者中間加“the”。

如:He is taller by far than his brother.

He is by far the taller of the two brothers.




例如:The weather is getting colder and colder.


A) A is three (four, etc.) times the size (height, length, width, etc) of B.

B) A is three (four, etc.) times as big (high, long, wide, etc.) as B.

C) A is three (four, etc.) times bigger (higher, longer, wider, etc.) than B.

用 times 表示倍數,一般只限于表示包括基數在內三倍或三倍以上的數。表示兩倍可以用 twice 或 double。

⑦“冠詞a +比較級”可以用在否定句中,表示最高級;也可以用在肯定句中,用來泛指;

表示特指兩者之中的那一個,用the +比較級。如:

—How do you like the film?

—Great. Ive never seen a better one.

⑧not, never之類的否定詞與形容詞或副詞的比較級連用,表示最高級含義。意為:再沒有比……更……的了。

⑨“not more+比較級+than”結構表示在程度上前者不如后者。


⑩在比較從句中為了避免重復,我們通常用that (those),one(ones) 代替前面出現的名詞。that指物,one既可指人,也可指物。that可代替可數名詞單數和不可數名詞,而one只能代替可數名詞。例如:

The book on the table is more interesting than that on the desk.


1. It looks like the weather is changing for ______. Shall we stick to our plan? (2008遼寧卷)

A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst

2. Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs. (2008陜西卷)

A. as twice large asB. twice as large asC. twice as much asD. as twice much as

3. Boris has brains.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has ______ IQ. (2002全國卷)

A. a high B. a higherC. the higherD. the highest

4.—Is your headache getting _______?

—No, its worse. (2005全國卷II)

A. better B. bad C. less D. well

5. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.9 seconds, and I have not seen ______ this year. (2005浙江卷)

A. the best B. better C. the most D. more

6.—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

—Thank you. _________. (2005江西卷)

A. It couldnt be better B. Of course you can C. If you like D. Its up to you

7. After two years research, we now have a _______ better understanding of the disease. (2007年


A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite

8. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ____ one. (2007全國卷)

A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known

9. With April 18s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with ______ service for passengers. (2007江蘇卷29)

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

10. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted __________ if it had been put in the fridge for a little while. (2007江西卷)

A. goodB. better C. best D. well

11. Though he started late. Mr. Guo played the piano as well as, if _____, David. (2007陜西卷)

A. not better than B. not better C. no better than D. better

12. The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here _______.


A. early B. earlierC. earliest D. the earliest

13. Your story is perfect; Ive never heard __________before. (2006全國卷Ⅱ)

A. the better oneB. the best one C. a better oneD. a good one

14. I wish youd do ________ talking and some more work. Thus things will become better. (06江蘇卷)

A. a bit less B. any less C. much more D. a little more

15. I dont think this film is by far the most boring. I have seen ________. (2006江西卷)

A. better B. worseC. the best D. the worst

16.—Did you take enough money with you?

—No, I needed ___________I thought I would. (2006全國卷Ⅱ)

A. not so much as B. as much asC. much more than D. much less than

17. This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _______ water and electricity than _______ models. (2006北京卷)

A. less; olderB. less;elderC. fewer; olderD. fewer; elder

18.—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

—Yes. Ive never been to________ one before.(2006四川卷)

A. a more excitedB. the most excitedC. a more exciting D. the most exciting

19. I used to earn _______ than a pound a week when I first started work. (2006陜西卷)

A. a little B. a fewC. fewerD. less

20. Some experts think that language learning is much ___________for children as their tongues are more flexible. (2006上海春季卷)

A. easyB. easier C. easilyD. more easily

21. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels________ desire to go to bed. (2005江蘇卷)

A. the most B. moreC. worse D. the least


1. A。此題考查形容詞比較級和最高級的運用,沒有運用常見的比較結構“than”,而是讓學生從語意中體會,增加了考查難度。句中for為介詞,后面為名詞和動名詞。The better (weather) 中的 weather 省略。

2. B。表示倍數twice as large as

3. B。本題考查形容詞比較級的用法。句中brains是"智力"的意思,如即下文說到的IQ(intelligence quo- tient智商)之意,本題的命題者運用了曲折表達的手法,句子意思是將 Boris與班上其它人相比,則應用比較級,不應用最高級。a+比較級(higher)表示一個/種,指比Boris更高的智商,故選B。又如:

How beautifully she sings! Ive never heard a better voice. (NMET96)

4. A。比較級,表示你的頭痛好點了嗎?和下面的回答相反,因為沒有變好,所以他下面說變壞了。

5. B。這里前半句說的是bob跑了9.91秒的100米成績這個事實,后半句緊接的意思應該是今年我還沒看到過比這更好的成績了,所以用比較級來表示最高級。

6. A??疾榻浑H用語。意思是“再好不過了”?!胺穸ㄔ~ + 比較級”相當于最高級。

7. B。四個選項中只有far可以修飾比較級,其它只能修飾原形。

8. C。根據前面of all the songs的語境,后面應該是well-known的最高級best-known。

9. B。形容詞或副詞的比較級表示兩者間的比較。根據所提供的情景“With April 18s railway speedup”可判斷出公路和航空將以對旅客更好的服務來進行競爭。形容詞最高級用于三者或三者以上的比較,意為“最……”。

10. B。taste是系動詞,但本題最主要的是能領會出比較級的含義。根據語境if it had been

put in the fridge for a little while “如果能在冰箱里放一會”得出“西瓜味道會更好”這一比較級。

11. B。省略說法,相當于Though he started late. Mr. Guo played the piano as well as David , if he did not play better than David.

12. B。根據前面的new group of students 的better-behaved和后面的than the other group, 可知此題是考查比較級的用法.

13. C。形容詞比較級表示兩種事物的比較。a better one表示“比較好的一個”,用于否定句時,表示沒有一個比你講的故事再好了。形式上的比較表示“最高級”。

14. A。less是little的比較級,表示“較少的”,根據Thus things will become better以及所提供的情景some more work可判斷出要少說話,多干活。

15. B。首先判斷出空白處應該用比較級和前半句的film比較。另外從前半句的意思“我不認為這個電影是最無趣的”上判斷,后半句應該是“我曾看過(比這)更差的”。所以選B。

16. C。much more than I thought I would表示“需要比我認為要用的要多得多”。根據no可判斷出說話人沒有帶足夠的錢。not so much as I thought I would表示“需要的錢沒有我認為要用的多”,即表示已帶足了錢。as much as I thought I would表示“需要的錢與我認為要用的錢一樣多”,所以選C。

17. A。little用于修飾不可數名詞,few修飾復數可數名詞。water是不可數名詞,要用little修飾。再根據than可確定用比較級。這臺洗衣機比老式型號的洗衣機用的水和電少。older表示年齡大或時間長,意為“較老的”。elder用于表示人的出生順序,意為“年長的”。

18. C。第二句Yes. Ive never been to a more exciting one before意思是從來沒參加過如此激動人心的(聚會)。這句雖然是表示這個聚會是我參加的最激動人心的,但因為有否定意義的詞,所以用比較級來表示最高級的意思。另外注意exciting與excited的區別。

19. D。little用于修飾不可數名詞,few修飾復數可數名詞。根據句意可判斷出這里指的是每周掙多少錢,money是不可數名詞,要用little修飾,再根據than可確定用比較級,表示在開始工作時每周掙的錢少于一英鎊。

20. B??崭裉幩x應該是系動詞is的表語,用形容詞。根據后面的more flexible (他們的舌頭)更加柔軟靈活,可以知道要用比較級。(所以專家認為小孩學習語言更容易一些。)

21. D。檢查考生在特定語境下對名詞修飾語的辨析和運用能力。上文中的excited 是信息詞,由于興奮而沒有睡覺的欲望。least是little的最高級,表示否定,意思是“一點欲望也沒有”,所以選D。

Is $2 million enough to feel wealthy 有多少錢才算富
Comparative Adjectives (形容詞比較級)