

2021-08-11 01:23韓麗萍
校園英語·中旬 2021年4期



【作者簡介】韓麗萍, 廣東省惠州市李瑞麟小學。




1.局部再構。局部再構只是在原來教材內容的基礎上適當補充或添加部分句子,從而形成新的文本。例如:PEP Book 8 Unit 3 “Where did you go ?” A Let's learn,教材內容只是簡單的5個新授詞組rode a horse、rode a bike、went camping、hurt my foot 、went fishing,如果只是按傳統的拼單詞、做單詞游戲等,學生學到的就只是一個詞或詞組。但通過文本局部再構,將單詞設計到一個合適的語境中認知和運用,從而構建一個情境性符合學生認知范疇的語言學習材料。

On the Labour Day , I went to Xinjiang with my parents. We rode a horse at Mt. Tianshan. I went camping with my parents. Then we went fishing. We had a good time.

I went to the forest park with my friend on May 2nd. We rode a bike there. It was fun. But I hurt my foot. Next time I should be careful.

2.整體再構。整體再構就是在保留話題主干的基礎上,通過分析學情,把握與本話題有關的知識點,特別是新舊知識的聯系,將新舊知識進行再構、拓展、重組,文本內容也由易到難、由簡到繁,語段的設計層層遞進,讓學生有一種“跳一跳就能摘到果子”的感覺。例如:PEP Book 6 Unit 2“ My favourite season ”B Read and write,教材內容如下圖。


Huizhou is in the south of China. It has four seasons. Spring is the best season of the year. The days get longer, the nights get shorter, and the weather gets warmer. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Children begin to fly kites and go on a picnic outdoors.

Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. People try to find a cool place then. They always go swimming in the sea, lakes and rivers. Children like eating ice cream.

Fall is the harvest season. It's gets cool. Farmers begin to gather in food. Many flowers are in full bloom. People are still wearing shirts and skirts.

Winter is short in Huizhou. The weather gets cold but not very cold. It never snows in Huizhou. Children can't play in the snow and can't have the fun of making snowmen or skiing.


3.內涵再構。內涵再構指借助教材主題,進一步挖掘主題背后所包含的情感、態度、價值觀來進行文本再構。例如:PEP Book 6 Unit 4 “When is Easter ? ”B Read and write,教材表層上描述了兩只小貓的生長過程,如果我們在教學中只是簡單地把文本學完,那就損失了一個很好的情感升華機會了。但如果挖掘文本背后的情感、態度、價值觀,我們就可以再構這樣的文本:“當父母慢慢變老了,我們可以為父母做什么?”(如下文)。

During my growth, my parents always do a lot for me. Now my parents are getting older and older. I can show my love to them.I think love can be a kiss or a hug.It can also be a smile or a song.When they are tired,I can give them a cup of tea,I can help them do housework.When I go out ,I will remember give them a telephone call.When I grow up ,I will stay with them and make them happy.


1.運用文本再構,創設詞匯教學的整體性。修訂后的人教版 PEP教材,每個單元都由ABC三部分組成,其中AB部分都由Let's talk、 Let's learn 組成,在教學設計中,依然存在部分教師只拘泥于教材文本的傳統教學方法。文本再構就是要求教師“跳出教材教能力”,通過創設語境促進學生對教學內容更深刻的認知。如果運用文本再構,在文本中帶動詞匯的學習,學生就能在語境中體驗、理解、記憶和運用詞匯了。而這種詞匯文本再構可以是單元的詞匯,也可以是單元與單元之間,甚至是學段與學段之間,目的是新舊內容在不同課時、不同年級中的復現,提煉精華、挖掘知識、充實內容,將教材內容通過縱向與橫向聯系構成一個較為完整的知識體系,讓學生能對所學知識舉一反三。例如:PEP Book 8 Unit 2和Unit 3的詞匯部分都是關于動詞的過去式。我們運用文本再構,把新舊動詞融合起來。

May Day

On the first day, I rode a bike to the Honghua Lake. On the way to the lake, I fell off my bike and hurt my foot. I went to the supermarket with my friends and bought some gifts on the 2nd day. On the 3rd day, my brother and I went camping. We took a lot of pictures. In the park, I rode a horse. It was very interesting. On the 4th day, I read some books in the library. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my brother. The 5th day is my favourite day, I was very happy! Because I saw a film with my best friend, We bought many books. We listened to music and watched TV together. The last day, I stayed at home with my parents. I cleaned my room and washed my clothes in the morning. In the afternoon, I went swimming and went fishing. The water was very cold so I got a cold. That was bad! I slept very early.

What a busy holiday!


2.運用文本再構,充實對話的交際性。教材中對話部分是把單元中的核心詞匯和句子融入有意義的語境中,幫助學生鞏固記憶并形成語言運用能力。但如果教學中只是停留在某個對話內容上孤立地使用,話題與話題之間毫無關系,那么學生也只是“只見樹林未見森林”。例如:PEP Book 6 Unit 2 “My favourite season ”B Let's talk的內容如下圖:

Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. I like fall best.

Miss White: Why ?

Amy: Because the weather is good and the colours are beautiful. Many flowers and trees are in full bloom.I can pick apples.I can go on apicnic.And my birthday is in fall. How wonderful!What about you ?

Miss White: I like season.

Amy: Why?

Miss White: I like spring, because it's warm. The birds are singing. The butterflies are dancing. They're happy. I'm happy too. I can go hiking. I can catch butterflies, pick up leaves,take pictures. But I also like summer, beacause I like summer vacation !

Amy : Haha...Cool!


3.運用文本再構,增加語音教學的語用性。修訂后的人教版PEP教材非常注重語音教學,增加了Letters and sound和Let's spell板塊,但由于教材沒有安排對音標的學習,學習學生難度很大。在教學中我們除了利用Phonics來進行教學外,如果以發音例詞為基礎創設出語境化的文本,這將大大降低學習難度,讓學生在文本中自然感知詞匯中所含字母的發音。例如:PEP Book 5 Unit 4 “What can you do? ”A Let's spell(如下圖)。



4.運用文本再構,拓展讀寫教學的延續性。教材中的Read and write板塊是學生融合新舊知識、內化知識體系的過程,也是學生對單元主題語言內化輸出的過程,是語言發展的高階。教師應該根據單元的核心詞匯與句子,對文本進行再構,促進學生語言能力的綜合發展。例如:PEP Book 6 Unit 3 “What would you like ? ”B Read and write(如下圖)。我們學習原文本后,通過內涵再構的方式拓展了新的文本。

Eating right is very important. It can help you stay healthy.Every day you must eat a lot of grains, like rice, noodles, wheat.And you must eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. You also need to eat some protein. There is protein in milk, fish, eggs and so on. It helps you grow. But you don't eat much food with rich sugar and calorie. It is unhealthy.





[2]徐靜,郭淑華.基于語篇意識的文本再構[J].小學教學設計,2015 (36):12-13.
