

2022-06-12 14:27孫潔連亞軍陳媛
中國現代醫生 2022年15期

孫潔 連亞軍 陳媛

[摘要] 目的 探討椎動脈夾層致蛛網膜下腔出血(SAH)的危險因素。方法? 前瞻性收集2011年8月至2019年12月鄭州大學第一附屬醫院診治的椎動脈夾層患者的臨床資料。根據是否發生SAH分為SAH組(n=28)和non-SAH組(n=77),對比分析兩組患者的人口學資料、既往史、入院后首次實驗室指標等差異。采用多因素logistic回歸分析椎動脈夾層患者SAH的相關危險因素。結果? 共納入105例椎動脈夾層患者,其中28例(26.7%)患者發生SAH[23例(82.1%)影像學上表現為夾層動脈瘤]。SAH組首發頭痛、總膽固醇水平、中性粒細胞計數、D-二聚體水平均高于non-SAH組,LDL<1.8 mmol/L、尿酸水平均低于non-SAH組,差異有統計學意義(P<0.05)。多因素logistic回歸分析顯示,中性粒細胞計數高和低尿酸水平是椎動脈夾層患者SAH的危險因素。結論? 椎動脈夾層患者影像學上常表現為夾層動脈瘤,多于頭痛后出現SAH,中性粒細胞計數高、低尿酸水平是椎動脈夾層SAH的相關危險因素。

[關鍵詞] 椎動脈夾層;臨床特征;蛛網膜下腔出血;危險因素

[中圖分類號] R743.35? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] B? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2022)15-0012-04

Analysis on risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients with vertebral artery dissection

SUN Jie LIAN Yajun CHEN Yuan

Department of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in patients with vertebral artery dissection (VAD). Methods The clinical data of patients with VAD treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2011 to December 2019 were prospectively collected. These patients were divided into the SAH group (n=28) and the non-SAH group (n=77) based on the presence or absence of SAH, and the differences in demographic data, previous medical history, and laboratory indexes at the first examination upon admission were analyzed and compared between the two groups. The risk factors associated with SAH in patients with VAD were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression. Results A total of 105 patients with VAD were included, among whom 28 (26.7%) patients developed SAH and 23 (82.1%) patients showed dissection aneurysm on imaging. The degree of severity of the first symptom-headache, total cholesterol level, neutrophil count, and D-dimer level was higher in the SAH group than that in the non-SAH group, and the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (<1.8 mmol/L) and uric acid in the SAH group were lower than those in the non-SAH group, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that high neutrophil count and low uric acid level were risk factors for SAH in patients with VAD. Conclusion Patients with VAD often show a dissection aneurysm on imaging and mostly develop SAH following headache, and high neutrophil count and low uric acid level are risk factors associated with SAH in patients with VAD.7CEC5C62-5815-494D-9E31-8D6FFC5082D0

[Key words] Vertebral artery dissection; Clinical features; Subarachnoid hemorrhage; Risk factors

頭頸動脈夾層(cervicocerebral artery dissection,CAD)是由于內膜撕裂或血管破裂引起的動脈壁直接出血所致,其臨床癥狀表現為頭頸部疼痛、缺血性腦卒中、SAH、Horner綜合征[1-2]。自發性椎動脈夾層(vertebral artery dissection,VAD)發病率約為1/100 000人/年[3]。與頸內動脈夾層相比,VAD更易出現SAH[4]。早期抗凝或抗血小板治療對CAD是重要的,可減少中風、死亡和心血管事件的發生率[5],但合并SAH的患者要慎重考慮。因此早期識別VAD致SAH的高?;颊呤侵陵P重要的,可早期評估預后與指導治療。本研究探究VAD致SAH的相關危險因素,現報道如下。

1 對象與方法

1.1 研究對象


1.2 方法

根據首次入院時的影像學表現,將VAD患者分為蛛網膜下腔出血(SAH)組和非蛛網膜下腔出血(non-SAH)組。比較兩組患者的臨床資料,包括高血壓、糖尿病、吸煙/飲酒史、高膽固醇血癥、既往頭痛史、近期感染和輕度頭頸部創傷史等,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)以缺血性腦血管病患者二級預防標準1.8 mmol/L為界,分為LDL<1.80 mmol/L和LDL≥1.80 mmol/L。近期感染史:發病前1個月內發生的感染。低尿酸水平和低肌酐水平定義為低于正常參考范圍下限值。

1.3 統計學方法

使用SPSS 26.0統計學軟件進行數據分析,符合正態分布的計量資料以均數±標準差(x±s)表示,偏態分布的計量資料以中位數(四分位數間距)[M(P25,P75)]表示,計數資料以[n(%)]表示。計量資料組間比較采用Mann-Whitney U Test檢驗,計數資料組間比較采用χ2檢驗或Fisher′s exact檢驗,將上述P<0.1的變量共同納入多因素logistic回歸分析,P<0.05為差異有統計學意義。

2 結果

2.1 一般資料


2.2 兩組的實驗室指標及影像學比較


2.3 VAD致SAH的多因素分析


3 討論



少數研究表明吸煙、優勢側椎動脈夾層、累及小腦后下動脈、VUBA>45°、珠線征是顱內夾層SAH的高危因素[11-12],但關于椎動脈夾層破裂的研究較少,相關風險因素尚不明確。本研究表明SAH組患者D-二聚體水平、LDL≥1.8 mmol/L、總膽固醇水平較non-SAH組高。D-二聚體水平升高往往表明人體內纖溶活性增強,對SAH預后不良有預測價值[13]。另外,有文獻報道血漿D-二聚體水平高與未來腦出血風險增加相關,在抽血距腦出血時間最短的人群中更明顯[14]。既往一項研究發現膽固醇水平與頸動脈夾層呈負相關[15]。而一項研究發現血清膽固醇可通過加劇炎癥反應促進中膜退行性改變和顱內動脈瘤的進展[16]。本研究提示高膽固醇血癥和高脂血癥可能促進顱內夾層動脈瘤破裂。因此可推測膽固醇在夾層形成和破裂中的機制可能是不同的。




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