
六年級繪本“An amazing snowman(Frozen)”融合教學設計

2023-03-09 03:41|夏
小學教學設計(英語) 2023年12期

文 |夏 冰


Step 1. Pre-reading(略)

Step 2. While-reading

T: What do you think of Olaf? I think he is very cute.How about you?

S: Kind /friendly /interesting/happy...

1.Try to skim

T: Just now, you said many words. Olaf is cute, happy, kind,friendly, interesting, but also... So now, read the story quickly, try to find out 2 key words about Olaf.

(略讀)(背景音樂“Let it go”伴奏第一部分)

T: Have you finished?

S: Yes.

T: The first key word, who can find?

S: Amazing.

T: Oh! You find“amazing”.Where do you find it?


2.Learn the cover(如圖1)


T: You find it from the cover. Now, follow me“amazing”.(貼板書)So now, let’s know more about the cover of the story. Can you find other information from the cover?

T: Just now, you said“an amazing snowman”, that is the...


T: Yes, it’s the title of the story. Look here, who wrote it?So it’s the...


T: Good! It’s the writer.How about Olaf here?


T: Yes, he is the main character of the story. Look here,it’s the series of books. It means this story“An amazing snowman”is from“Disney Frozen”.(帶讀、貼板書)

3.Let’s skim

T: You find the first word,how about another one?

S: Special.

T: Oh! Special! Where do you find?(出現繪本一頁)(如圖2)



T: Good answer. Now let’s read it together. Follow me“special”“special”.

設計意圖:教師在課堂教授學生運用閱讀方法,通過略讀,學生找到Olaf 的兩大特點,分別是amazing 和special。在略讀中,教師帶領學生學習了英語繪本封面,學生能得到關于該繪本的一些信息。在學生自主略讀時,教師采用歌曲“Let it go”原版伴奏的第一部分,讓學生能夠在音樂的滲透中初步感受繪本和熟悉歌曲旋律。

4.Try to scan

T: But why is he special? Is he like the snowman in our life?Of course “No”. Why is he special?

學生回答繪本中出現的“He walks. He talks. He sings.”(貼板書)。

T: Besides these,he also has other special features. Now work in 4, read the rest of the story,try to find them out.(背景音樂“Let it go”伴奏第二部分)(如圖3)


T: Now, let’s see why he is special. Because...

S: Because he sees the best in everyone.

T: Very good.(貼板書、帶讀)

T: Now, why is he special?

S: He is special because he finds the beauty every day.

T: Wonderful!You give the whole sentence. Yes, he finds the beauty.

(貼板書) Do you know beauty? We know “beautiful”,right? “beauty”means beautiful flowers, beautiful people and all of beautiful things that are around him, got it?

S: Yes.

T: Follow me “finds the beauty”“finds the beauty”.

T: How about this picture?Why is he special?

S: Because he dreams.

T: Good answer.(貼板書、帶讀)

T: Now, you’ve got his other 3 special features, right?

S: Yes.

T: So now let’s know more about details.(如圖4)


設計意圖:教師讓學生運用細讀的方法對繪本進行深入的學習。以“special”為中心詞,學生能夠找到Olaf 的特別之處“he walks, he talks, he sings”,之后,讓學生在小組合作中找到其他三個特別之處,而這三個特別之處正是解鎖歌曲的關鍵要點。在學生小組合作閱讀討論中,教師采用歌曲“Let it go”第二片段樂曲伴奏,曲調激昂,適合學生合作討論的學習氛圍,同時也讓音樂潛移默化地進入到學生的繪本學習中。

5.Let’s learn

T: Let’s come to the first part. In this part, you have to finish two tasks, then you can get the chance to unlock the first period. Just now, we know Olaf sees the best in everyone.

6.Let’s find

T: So whose merits does he see? Can you find?(如圖5)


S: His brother.

T: Yes! And his brother has a long name. Follow me“Marshmallow”“Marshmallow”.(貼板書)

T: Anyone else? You can speak Chinese.


T: You say“reindeer”, right?Which festival can you see it?

S: Christmas.

T: Yes! Follow me“reindeer”“reindeer”.(貼板書)Any other answers?

S: Queen Elsa, princess Anna.(貼板書)

T: Clever!But what merits do they have? Now let’s do a match.(如圖6)


7.Let’s match

T: First, Marshmallow, how is he?

S: Playful.

T: Do you know“playful”?Try to guess.

S: Like playing.

T: Great! It means his brother likes playing. Follow me“playful”“playful”.(貼板書)

T: How about reindeer?

S: Friendly.

T: How do you know? From your book, can you find your reasons?

S: He is trying to kiss his nose.

T: Wonderful!He is forever trying to kiss his nose!Whose nose?

S: Olaf’s.

T: Yes!Follow me“friendly”“friendly”.(貼板書)How about Elsa and Anna? Obviously, they are very polite. How do you know?

S: They use their manners.

T: What kind of manners?Royal manners! Right? So they are very polite!Follow me“polite”“polite”.(貼板書)

8.Unlocking time

T: Two tasks have been finished. Now you get a chance to unlock the first period of the song. The chance is to sing. If you can sing well and get some applause from the other teachers,you can unlock it. Got it?

S: Yes.

T: First, let’s listen. Try to fill in these blanks. You can take some notes. Chinese here may help you.(如圖7)



T: Have you got the answers? Now let’s check together.The first sentence, who can read for us?

S: Let it go, let it go.

T: Good memory! Now, sing after me.(教唱1~2 句)

T: Next sentence. Who can?

S: Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door.

T: Can you sing for us?Have a try!

S: ...(學生演唱3~4 句)

T: You are a good singer!

T: Next sentence, who remembered?

S: I don’t care what they are going to say.

T: Good! Sing after me.(教師教唱5~6 句)

T: Last sentence, can we say it together?

S: The cold never bothered me anyway.

T: This word, follow me“bother”“bother”. Sing after me.(教唱最后一句)Now, it’s your turn. Four in a group, try to practice this part. Go!(鋼琴伴奏背景音樂)(如圖8)


T: Now let’s sing it loudly and try to get some applause!(教師彈奏,學生唱)

T: Can you hear some applause?(掌聲)

T: Good!(解鎖聲)Now, you got the first period of the song.Let’s enjoy it.(欣賞歌曲第一片段)

設計意圖:首先,在第一個關鍵要點“He sees the best in everyone”環節中,教師分別設計了兩個活動,讓學生精讀Olaf 這一不同之處,完成兩個活動后方可得到解鎖歌曲第一片段的機會,然后通過聽音填詞、核對歌詞等方式學習歌詞和演唱;其次,學生四人一組合作練唱,熟悉的旋律能夠讓學生逐漸提高練習參與度,體現了歌曲與語言學習在本環節中的一致性。

9.Let’s learn

T: Now, here’s Part 2. In this part, you only have to finish one task, then you can directly unlock the second part of the song. We know Olaf finds the beauty every day. So can you find the beauty of the song? Now,listen and try to find.(聽歌)

10.Let’s enjoy

T: After listening, how do you feel? Chinese here can help you. You can speak in English.


T: Yes! Strong!“You’ll never see me cry.”Any other feelings?


T: Brave! Why do you say“brave”?

S:“I’m one with the wind and the sky.”

T: Terrific! How about the singer? The singer sings this song very powerfully. So we can feel powerful! Right?

S: Yes.

T: So, powerful/brave/strong,they are the beauty of the song.(如圖9)


11.Unlocking time

T: Now,(解鎖聲) you’ve unlocked the second period of the song. Let’s enjoy it.(欣賞歌曲第二片段)

設計意圖:在第二個關鍵要點“He finds the beauty”環節中,教師帶領學生感受歌曲第二段的力量美和情感美,讓學生初步體驗該歌曲的內在含義。學生聽歌感受這一片段并說出一些詞匯后,方可解鎖歌曲第二片段。這一活動的設計將繪本的學習和歌曲情感意義的初步感受緊密結合。

12.Read and underline

T: Let’s come to the last part. We know Olaf likes dreaming. Does he dream about any food or drinks? So now read by yourselves, try to underline what he dreams about. Go!(背景音樂“Let it go”伴奏第三部分)

T: Have you finished? Let’s check it together. In this picture,what does he dream about?

S: He dreams about sand castles.

T: Good!Do you know about sand castles? It means castles with sand.(帶讀sand、castles,貼板書)Any other answers?

S: He dreams about ships.

T: More accurate.He dreams about ships sailing.(帶讀貼板書)

T: This picture, what does he dream about? There are many animals in the sea.

S: Swimming with...

T: Sea creatures.(帶讀貼板書)It’s very funny. How about this picture?

S: He dreams about flying in the sky.

T: Yes. And we can say“soaring in the sky”.(帶讀貼板書)In this picture, what can you find?

S: Picking fresh fruit.

T: Good! Do you like fruit?

S: Yes.

T: I like fruit, too. It’s good for our health.(帶讀貼板書)What else can you find?

S: Meeting with new friends.

T: Very good! And who is his new friend now?

S: Bees!

T: Yes! It’s very interesting!(帶讀貼板書)

13.Unlocking time

T: Until now, you’ve got all of the things that he dreams about! So, Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the whole song!But it’s a little bit different! We have to present this song together! Are you ready?(如圖10~11)



S: Yes.

教師和學生合作演唱歌曲“Let it go”。

設計意圖:在第三個關鍵要點“He dreams”環節中,讓學生繼續深入學習繪本,自主閱讀,畫出Olaf 的夢想。在閱讀中,背景音樂采用歌曲“Let it go”原版伴奏的第三部分,輕柔平緩,能夠幫助學生更快地進入繪本的世界。三個解鎖關鍵點、三段背景音樂,皆與所學的歌曲緊密聯系,體現了整節課音樂的連貫性和一致性,也體現了音樂在本節課中不可或缺的關鍵地位。

Step 3. Post-reading(略)
