
Spring Festival Listed as UN Floating Holiday

2024-03-16 07:20Juno
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2024年2期


2023 年12 月22 日,第78 屆聯合國大會協商一致通過決議,將春節(農歷新年)確定為聯合國假日。春節是中國文化中最古老、最重要的傳統節日,現在,春節不僅是中國人的節日,也是世界人民的節日。

The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly1)unanimously passed a resolution, officially recognizing the Lunar New Year, commonly known as the Spring Festival, as a UN floating holiday.This decision,2)hailed by experts as a testament to the influential power of Chinese culture,is expected to contribute to the promotion of the Global Civilization Initiative.

The Lunar New Year, one of the most important festivals in the Chinese calendar, symbolizes3)renewal,reunion, and the celebration of life.It is a time for family gatherings, feasting, and various cultural activities, reflecting the value of peace, harmony, and social inclusion that are deeply rooted in Chinese civilization.

The recognition of the Lunar New Year as a UN holiday is not only a4)nod to the rich cultural heritage of China but also an acknowledgment of the festival’s global appeal.Over time, the Spring Festival has5)transcended national borders, being celebrated in various forms by6)approximately one-fifth of the global population.Nations like Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and even states in North America such as California and New York, have officially recognized the Lunar New Year as a public holiday.

This decision by the UN is a7)milestone in the global recognition of China’s cultural influence.It indicates a growing respect for cultural diversity and an emphasis on the inheritance and innovation of civilizations.The inclusion of the Lunar New Year as a UN holiday alongside other culturally significant celebrations such as Yom Kippur, Vesak Day, and Diwali is a reflection of the UN’s commitment to promoting8)inclusivity and multiculturalism.

Moreover, this recognition comes at a time when there is an increasing interest in diverse cultures, with people eager to connect and communicate through shared experiences.The festive atmosphere during the Lunar New Year has long been present at the UN headquarters in New York City, with celebrations and events organized by both official and unofficial groups, highlighting the festival’s ability to bring people together.

The significance of this decision lies not only in the addition of another holiday to the UN calendar but in the message it sends about the importance of respecting and celebrating cultural diversity.It is a step towards promoting greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures, which is essential in today’s interconnected world.

In conclusion, the recognition of the Lunar New Year as a UN holiday is a testament to the universal appeal and influence of Chinese culture.It is a celebration not only of China’s rich heritage but also of the shared value of family, community,and harmony that are central to the festival.This decision serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural diversity and inclusivity in our global village.

1) unanimouslyadv.全體一致地

2) hailv.贊揚

3) renewaln.更新

4) nodn.點頭

5) transcendv.超越

6) approximatelyadv.大約

7) milestonen.里程碑

8) inclusivityn.包容性

第78 屆聯合國大會協商一致通過決議,正式將農歷新年,即春節,列為聯合國假日。這一決定被專家譽為中國文化影響力的見證,預計將為促進全球文明倡議做出貢獻。







第76 屆聯合國大會閉幕