
Unit 7 Time教學實錄

2019-10-21 19:25尹燕婷
中學課程輔導·教育科研 2019年14期


【中圖分類號】 ?G623.31 ?? ? ? ? ? 【文獻標識碼】 ?A?【文章編號】 ?1992-7711(2019)14-176-01

一、Warm up.




T:Task 1: Math Prothems!One and six is?


T:Good!Nine divided by three is?

S2:three …

T:Ten and one is?

S5: eleven



T:Read and spell the word together.

T:Good!How about this?



S: tw-el-ve

T:This line one by one.

T:Good job.You all past task one.You get a star.How about task two? Can you read?



T:OK, read the words together.


T:Good job.You read very well.You pass task two. You get a star.


T:How about Task 3: Guessing game!In this game, I will show you some pictures, please guess whats this? OK?


T:Whats this?

S:Its a pencil…

T:Whats this?

S:Its an elephant.

T:Maybe not. Whats this?

S:Its a clock.

T:Yes,its a clock. A clock, a clock. This is a clock. Look! Its eleven oclock.

(對比教學a clock和oclock,讓學生了解它們發音相同,意思不同)

T: Eleven oclock.

Ss: Eleven oclock.

T:How about this?

S1:Twelve oclock.

S2:One oclock…

T:Great!You all did a good job.You pass task 3. Congraduations!

(讓學生在游戲的過程中,既復習了學過的單詞和句型,又能在不知不覺中學習和區分了a clock與oclock的區別。)

T:Task 4: What time is it? Now,look! What time is it? Follow me.

Ss: What time is it?

(group by group,line by line)

T:Lets spell What time is it?


T: What time is it? Its…You,please.

S1: Its eleven oclock.

T:Very good!What time is it? Its… Who can answer?

S2: Its one oclock.

Boys: What time is it?

Girls: Its two oclock.

T:Excellent!Lets make a conversation with me. Who wants to try?

T: What time is it?

S:Its ten oclock.

T:Make a conversation in pairs.

T: Good! Lets play a remember game. There are nine clocks here. I will change their lacation. You have five seconds to remember them and choose one of the picture to tell me the time.Ready?


S:Picture 2.

T:What time is it?

S:Its nine oclock.

S:Picture 6.

T:What time is it?

S:Its eleven oclock.


T:Clever.You all past task 4.Go on.Task 5:Exercises!First,read the phrases and sentences together.

Ss: one oclock, two oclock…,twelve oclock. What time is it? Its eleven oclock.

T: Very good. Lets make a dialoge. Who wants to try? You,please.

T: ?Hello!

S: Hi!

T: ?Whats this?

S: ?Its a clock.

T: ?What color is this?

S: ?Its purple.

T: ?Whant time is it?

S: ?Its eleven oclock.

T:Its your turn.Make a diologe with your partner.I will give you two minutes.(展示四組同學)

T:Please take out this paper and fill in the blanks.Three minutes.

T:Times up. Lets check the answer.

T:So great. You past task 5. Congraduation! You pass all the task.


At last, look at these clocks. Its nine oclock am in China. But its ten oclock am in Japan.Its nine oclock pm in New York. Its three oclock am in Paris.In different places, times are different.


T:Todays homework, 1.Read the phrases and sentences three times. 2.Copy the phrases and sentences.Thank you!Bye bye!

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